A semantic-driven platform for musculoskeletal simulation
Caecilia Charbonnier – MIRALab, University of Geneva

The use of 3D techniques is important for orthopedists wanting to simulate, visualize and navigate through articulations. Nowadays, many multimodal data are available from acquisition (e.g., medical images, motion capture) and modeling (e.g., 3D models). In the course of their work, clinicians are required to analyze large amounts of data related to musculoskeletal anatomy, kinematics, dynamics, mechanics and physiology. They must therefore manage and visualize information at increasing levels of complexity. To reduce this complexity and to exploit the information effectively, we developed a semantic-driven platform able to centralize and structure the multimodal data inputs and the medical knowledge in a coherent and unified manner. Our system integrates conventional diagnostic support (MRI), visualization and simulation tools (in 3D) and the ontology constitutes the interface between the application and the medical interpretation of data. The aim is to provide orthopedists with an interactive visualization framework for patient-specific musculoskeletal examination.

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