This demo illustrates the triangles visited by several strategies of point location based on walking and described in INRIA Research Report 7322. You should first choose a point set, then several queries are located within this point set (each time you hit the query button) with different strategies. The counters on the right show the number of visited triangles for each point location strategy. In the main window, the visited triangles are shown for one strategy (the one selected at the upper right corner). When choosing a lot of points (more than 4000), a better depiction can be obtained by hiding the edges and/or vertices (below the view select box). Manipulate the size of the hierarchy and the spatial coherence of queries, using their respective select box.
This demo is implemented in javascript and is not fully robust nor optimized. The main goal is better depiction. The actual code used for benchmarking is in C++ and uses CGAL, it runs much faster and can handle point sets with millions of points which is impossible for this demo. On Mac, safari seems to perform better than Google Chrome, which seems to perform better than Firefox.