
00001 /********************************************************************
00002  *   This file is part of the source code of the SYNAPS kernel.
00003  *   Author(s): B. Mourrain, GALAAD, INRIA
00004  *   $Id: topology2d.h,v 1.2 2005/09/28 06:40:47 mourrain Exp $
00005  ********************************************************************/
00006 #ifndef synaps_topology_sbd2d_H
00007 #define synaps_topology_sbd2d_H
00008 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00009 #include <synaps/init.h>
00010 #include <synaps/arithm/sign.h>
00011 #include <synaps/upol/UPolDse.h>
00012 #include <synaps/upol/bezier/BEZIER.m>
00013 #include <synaps/linalg/VectDse.h>
00014 #include <synaps/linalg/MatrDse.h>
00015 #include <synaps/upol/bezier/rep1d.h>
00016 #include <synaps/usolve/bezier/sbd1d.h>
00017 #include <synaps/arithm/sign.h>
00018 #include <synaps/topology/cell2d.h>
00019 #include <synaps/topology/point_graph.h>
00020 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00022 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00023 struct YX {
00024   template<class T>
00025   static bool less(const T& a, const T& b)
00026   {
00027     return (a[1]<b[1] || (a[1]==b[1] && a[0]< b[0]));
00028   }
00029   template<class T>
00030   bool operator()(const T& a, const T& b)
00031   {
00032     return less(a,b);
00033   }
00034 };
00037 struct XY {
00038   template<class T>
00039   static bool less(const T& a, const T& b)
00040   {
00041     return (a[0]<b[0] || (a[0]==b[0] && a[1]< b[1]));
00042   }
00043   template<class T>
00044   bool operator()(const T& a, const T& b)
00045   {
00046     return less(a,b);
00047   }
00048 };
00049 //====================================================================
00050 namespace BEZIER {
00052 //====================================================================
00053 template<class MATR, class MPOL, class X>
00054 void monomial2bezier2d(MATR& M, const MPOL& p, 
00055                        const X& x0, const X& x1, const X& y0, const X& y1)
00056 {
00057   using let::assign;
00058   typedef typename MATR::coeff_t coeff_t;
00059   M.resize(degree(p,1)+1, degree(p,0)+1);
00060   for(typename  MPOL::const_iterator it=p.begin(); it != p.end(); it++)
00061     {
00062       assign(M((*it)[1],(*it)[0]),it->coeff());
00063     }
00064   for(unsigned i=0;i<M.nbrow();i++)
00065     {
00066       VectDse<coeff_t> V = row(M,i), BZ(M.nbcol(),AsSize());
00067       BEZIER::monomials2bezier(BZ,V,V.size(),x0,x1);
00068       //      row(M,i)=BZ;
00069       for(unsigned j=0;j<M.nbcol();j++) M(i,j)=BZ[j];
00070     }
00072   for(unsigned j=0;j<M.nbcol();j++)
00073     {
00074       VectDse<coeff_t> V= col(M,j), BZ(M.nbrow(),AsSize());
00075       BEZIER::monomials2bezier(BZ,V,V.size(),y0,y1);
00076       //      col(M,j)=BZ;
00077       for(unsigned i=0;i<M.nbrow();i++) M(i,j)=BZ[i];
00078     }
00079 }
00080 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00081 template<class matr_t>
00082 void deCasteljau( matr_t& left, matr_t& right, ByRow M ) 
00083 {
00084     typedef typename matr_t::value_type coeff_t;
00086     int col=left.nbcol(),row=left.nbrow();
00087     assert( col > 1 );
00088     coeff_t middle = coeff_t(0.5);
00089     for ( int i = 0 ; i < row ; ++i )
00090       {
00091         for ( int j = 1 ; j < col ; ++j )
00092           {
00093             left( i, j-1) = right( i, 0); 
00094             for ( int k = 0 ; k < col - j ; ++k ) 
00095               {
00096                 right( i, k ) = ( right( i, k ) + right( i, k+1) ) * middle;
00097               }
00098           }
00099         left( i, col-1 ) = right( i, 0);
00100       }
00101 }  
00102 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00103 template<class matr_t>
00104 void deCasteljau( matr_t & left, matr_t & right, ByCol M ) 
00105 {
00107   typedef typename matr_t::value_type coeff_t;
00109   int col=right.nbcol(),row=right.nbrow();
00110   assert( row > 1 );
00111   coeff_t middle = coeff_t(0.5);
00112   for ( int i = 0 ; i < col ; ++i )
00113     {
00114       for ( int j = 1 ; j < row ; ++j )
00115         {
00116           left( j-1, i) = right( 0, i); 
00117           for ( int k = 0 ; k < row - j ; ++k ) 
00118             {
00119               right( k, i ) = ( right( k, i ) + right( k+1, i ) ) * middle;
00120             }
00121         }
00122       left( row-1, i) = right( 0, i);
00123     }
00124 }  
00126   //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00127   template<class cell_t> 
00128   void split(std::vector<cell_t >& L, const cell_t& c)
00129   {
00130     typedef typename cell_t::matr_t matr_t;
00132     //std::cout<<"Split "<<" ["<<c.x0<<" "<<c.x1<<"; "<<c.y0<<" "<<c.y1<<"]"
00133     //         <<std::endl;
00134     //std::cout<<c.bz_pol<<std::endl;
00135     matr_t M1(c.bz_pol),M2(c.bz_pol);
00136     deCasteljau(M1,M2,ByRow());
00137     matr_t M11(M1),M21(M1);
00138     deCasteljau(M11,M21,ByCol());
00139     //  std::cout<<M11<<std::endl;
00140     //  std::cout<<M21<<std::endl;
00141     L.push_back(cell_t(c.x0,(c.x0+c.x1)/2,c.y0,(c.y0+c.y1)/2,M11));
00142     L.push_back(cell_t(c.x0,(c.x0+c.x1)/2,(c.y0+c.y1)/2,c.y1,M21));
00143     matr_t M12(M2),M22(M2);
00144     deCasteljau(M12,M22,ByCol());
00145     //  std::cout<<M12<<std::endl;
00146     //  std::cout<<M22<<std::endl;
00147     L.push_back(cell_t((c.x0+c.x1)/2,c.x1,c.y0,(c.y0+c.y1)/2,M12));
00148     L.push_back(cell_t((c.x0+c.x1)/2,c.x1,(c.y0+c.y1)/2,c.y1,M22));
00149   }
00150 }  
00151 //====================================================================
00152 namespace bezier 
00153 {
00154   template<class X>
00155   struct bzslv: public Isole<X> 
00156   {
00158     X eps;
00159     bzslv():eps(1e-4){}
00160     template<class UPOL>
00161     Seq<X> solve(const UPOL&p, X x0, X x1)
00162     {
00163       typedef typename UPOL::value_type coeff_t;
00164       bezier::rep1d<coeff_t> bz(p.size());
00165       VECTOR::assign(bz,p);
00166       Seq<X> sol;
00167       this->Run(bz,eps*(x1-x0),false);
00168       this->GetMidPoints(sol);
00169       RConvert( sol, x0,x1);
00170       return sol;
00171     }  
00172   };
00174   template<class X, class C=X, class USLV= bezier::bzslv<C> >
00175   struct sbd2d  
00176   {
00177     typedef Seq<X>                  u_solution;
00178     typedef topology::point<X>        point_t;
00179     typedef topology::point_graph<X>  pointgraph_t;
00180     typedef C                       coeff_t;
00181     typedef cell2d<X,MatrDse<C> >   cell_t;
00183     USLV   slv;
00184     X eps, asr;
00185     sbd2d():eps(1e-3), asr(1) {}
00186     sbd2d(X e):eps(e), asr(1) {}
00187     sbd2d(X e, X a):eps(e), asr(a) {}
00189     cell_t pop(std::vector<cell_t>& L)
00190     {
00191       cell_t c=L[L.size()-1];
00192       L.resize(L.size()-1);
00193       return c;
00194     }
00196     template<class mpol_t>
00197     void assign(cell_t& C, 
00198                 const mpol_t& p,
00199                 const X& x0, const X& x1, const X& y0, const X&y1)
00200     {
00201       typedef typename mpol_t::coeff_t coeff_t;
00202       MatrDse<coeff_t> fq;
00203       monomial2bezier2d(fq,p,x0,x1,y0,y1);
00204       C.bz_pol =MatrDse<coeff_t>(fq.nbrow(),fq.nbcol());
00205       MATRIX::assign(C.bz_pol,fq);
00206       C.x0=x0; C.x1=x1;C.y0=y0;C.y1=y1;
00207     }
00209     void connect_xy(pointgraph_t & g, const cell_t & c, bool b);
00211     int c_sign(const cell_t&);
00212     int dx_sign(const cell_t&);
00213     int dy_sign(const cell_t&);
00214     int regularity(cell_t & c);
00216     template<typename mpol_t>
00217     void run(pointgraph_t& g, const mpol_t & p, 
00218              const X& x0, const X& x1, const X& y0, const X& y1);
00219   };
00221   //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00222   template<class X, class U, class S>
00223   void sbd2d<X,U,S>::connect_xy(pointgraph_t & g, const cell_t & c, bool b)
00224   {
00225     typedef typename pointgraph_t::point_t point_t;
00226     point_t pt(2);
00227     int n0, n1;
00228     Seq<point_t> l;
00230     Seq<X> sol0 =slv.solve((typename cell_t::row_type)row(c.bz_pol,0),c.x0,c.x1);
00231     pt[1]=c.y0;
00232     for(unsigned i=0;i<sol0.size();i++)
00233       {
00234         pt[0]=sol0[i]; 
00235         l.push_back(pt);
00236       }
00237     Seq<X> sol1 =slv.solve((typename cell_t::row_type)row(c.bz_pol,c.bz_pol.nbrow()-1),
00238                            c.x0,c.x1);
00239     pt[1]=c.y1;
00240     for(unsigned i=0;i<sol1.size();i++)
00241       {
00242         pt[0]=sol1[i]; l.push_back(pt);
00243     }
00244     Seq<X> sol2 =slv.solve((typename cell_t::col_type)col(c.bz_pol,0),c.y0,c.y1);
00245     pt[0]=c.x0;
00246     for(unsigned i=0;i<sol2.size();i++)
00247       {
00248         pt[1]=sol2[i]; l.push_back(pt);
00249       }
00250     Seq<X> sol3 =slv.solve((typename cell_t::col_type)col(c.bz_pol,c.bz_pol.nbcol()-1),
00251                            c.y0,c.y1);
00252     pt[0]=c.x1;
00253     for(unsigned i=0;i<sol3.size();i++)
00254       {
00255         pt[1]=sol3[i]; l.push_back(pt);
00256       }
00257     if(b)
00258       sort(l.begin(),l.end(), YX());
00259     else
00260       sort(l.begin(),l.end(), XY());
00261     if(l.size()%2 !=0) 
00262       {
00263         std::cout<<c.x0<<" "<<c.x1<<" "<<c.y0<<" "<<c.y1<<"\n  ";
00264         VECTOR::print(std::cout,l)<<" => ";
00265         Seq<point_t> ll;
00266         for(unsigned i=0;i<l.size()-1;i++)
00267           if(fabs(l[i][0]-l[i+1][0])> slv.eps || 
00268              fabs(l[i][1]-l[i+1][1])> slv.eps)
00269             ll.push_back(l[i]);
00270         ll.push_back(l[l.size()-1]);
00271         l=ll;
00272         VECTOR::print(std::cout,l)<<std::endl;
00273       }
00274     for(int i=0;i<l.size(); i+=2)
00275       {
00276         if(i<l.size()-1)
00277         {
00278           n0=g.insert(l[i]);
00279           n1=g.insert(l[i+1]);
00280           g.insert(n0,n1);
00281         }
00282       }
00283   }
00285   //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00286   template<class X, class U, class S> 
00287   template<class  mpol_t> 
00288   void sbd2d<X,U,S>::run(topology::point_graph<X>& r, const mpol_t & p, 
00289                          const X& x0, const X& x1, const X& y0, const X& y1)
00290   {
00291     typedef typename mpol_t::coeff_t       CF_T;
00292     typedef cell2d<coeff_t>                cell_t;
00295     cell_t C;
00296     assign(C,p,x0,x1,y0,y1);
00298     double sz = size(C)*asr;
00299     std::vector<cell_t> L, L_sing;
00300     L.push_back(C);
00301     while(L.size())
00302       {
00303         C=pop(L);
00304         int s=regularity(C);
00305         if(s==0)
00306           {
00307             if(size(C)<eps)
00308               {
00309                 L_sing.push_back(C);
00310                 addbox(r,C);
00311                 addcenter(r,C);
00312               }
00313             else 
00314               BEZIER::split(L,C);
00315           }
00316         else
00317           {     
00318             if(s%4==0)
00319               {
00320                 if(size(C)> sz)
00321                   split(L,C);
00322                 else
00323                   {
00324                     connect_xy(r,C, (C.reg/4) %4);
00325                   }
00326               }
00327           }
00328       }
00329     //    std::cout <<"Reg. cell: "<<L_reg.size()<<std::endl;
00330     std::cout <<"Sing cell: "<<L_sing.size()<<std::endl;
00331   }
00333   //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00334   template<class X, class U, class S>
00335   int sbd2d<X,U,S>::c_sign(const cell_t & M)
00336   {
00337     typedef typename cell_t::coeff_t coeff_t;
00338     int s=0;
00339     bool run=true;
00340     for(unsigned i=0;i<M.nbrow() && run;i++)
00341       for(unsigned j=0;j<M.nbcol()&& run;j++)
00342         if(M(i,j)>(0))
00343           {
00344             s= 1;
00345             run=false;
00346           }
00347         else if(M(i,j)<(0))
00348           {
00349             s= -1;
00350             run=false;
00351           }
00352     // std::cout<<"s "<<s<<std::endl;
00354     for(unsigned i=0;i<M.nbrow();i++)
00355       for(unsigned j=0;j<M.nbcol();j++)
00356         if(sign(M(i,j))==-s)
00357           return 0;
00358     return s;
00359   }
00360   //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00361   template<class X, class U, class S>
00362   int sbd2d<X,U,S>::dx_sign(const cell_t & M)
00363   {
00364   typedef typename cell_t::coeff_t coeff_t;
00365   int s=0; bool run=true;
00366   for(int i=0;i<M.nbrow() && run;i++)
00367     for(int j=0;j<M.nbcol()-1 && run;j++)
00368       if(M(i,j+1)>M(i,j))
00369         {
00370           s= 1;
00371           run=false;
00372         }
00373       else if(M(i,j+1)<M(i,j))
00374         {
00375           s= -1;
00376           run=false;
00377         }
00378   for(int i=0;i<M.nbrow();i++)
00379     for(int j=0;j<M.nbcol()-1;j++)
00380       {
00381         if(sign(M(i,j+1)-M(i,j))==-s)
00382           return 0;
00383       }
00384   return s;
00385 }
00386 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00387   template<class X, class U, class S>
00388   int sbd2d<X,U,S>::dy_sign(const cell_t & M)
00389   {
00390     typedef typename cell_t::coeff_t coeff_t;
00391     int s=0; bool run=true;
00392     for(unsigned j=0;j<M.nbcol()&& run;j++)
00393       for(int i=0;i<M.nbrow()-1&& run;i++)
00394         if(M(i+1,j)>M(i,j))
00395           {
00396             s= 1;
00397             run=false;
00398           }
00399         else if(M(i+1,j)<M(i,j))
00400           {
00401             s= -1;
00402             run=false;
00403           }
00405     for(unsigned j=0;j<M.nbcol();j++)
00406       for(int i=0;i<M.nbrow()-1;i++)
00407         {
00408         if(sign(M(i+1,j)-M(i,j))!= s)
00409           return 0;
00410       }
00411     return s;
00412   }
00413   //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00414   template<class X,class U,class S>
00415   int sbd2d<X,U,S>::regularity(cell_t& c)
00416   {
00417     int s0= c_sign(c);
00418     s0 += 4*dx_sign(c);
00419     s0 += 16*dy_sign(c);
00420     c.reg=s0;
00421     return s0;
00422   }    
00423   //--------------------------------------------------------------------  
00424 }//namespace bezier
00425 //====================================================================
00426 template<class cell_t, class X>
00427 void addbox(topology::point_graph<X>& g, const cell_t & c)
00428 {
00429   typedef typename topology::point_graph<X> pointgraph_t;
00430   typedef typename pointgraph_t::point_t point_t;
00431   point_t p1(2), p2(2);
00432   unsigned n1, n2;
00434   X a0=c.x0,a1=c.x1,b0=c.y0,b1=c.y1;
00436   p1[0]=a0;p1[1]=b0;
00437   p2[0]=a0;p2[1]=b1;
00438   n1=g.insert(p1);
00439   n2=g.insert(p2);
00440   g.insert(n1,n2);
00442   p2[0]=a1;p2[1]=b0;
00443   n2=g.insert(p2);
00444   g.insert(n1,n2);
00446   p1[0]=a0;p1[1]=b1;
00447   p2[0]=a1;p2[1]=b1;
00448   n1=g.insert(p1);
00449   n2=g.insert(p2);
00450   g.insert(n1,n2);
00452   p1[0]=a1;p2[1]=b0;
00453   n1=g.insert(p2);
00454   g.insert(n1,n2);
00455 }
00456 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00457 template<class cell_t, class X>
00458 void addplus(topology::point_graph<X>& g, const cell_t & c)
00459 {
00460   topology::point<X> p1(2),p2(2);
00461   p1[0]=(c.x0+c.x1)/2;
00462   p1[1]=(c.y0+3*c.y1)/4;
00463   int n1 = g.insert(p1);
00464   p2[0]=(c.x0+c.x1)/2;
00465   p2[1]=(3*c.y0+c.y1)/4;
00466   int n2=  g.insert(p2);
00467   g.insert(n1,n2);
00469   p1[0]=(3*c.x0+c.x1)/4;
00470   p1[1]=(c.y0+c.y1)/2;
00471   n1 = g.insert(p1);
00472   p2[0]=(c.x0+3*c.x1)/4;
00473   p2[1]=(c.y0+c.y1)/2;
00474   n2=  g.insert(p2);
00475   g.insert(n1,n2);
00477 }       
00479 template<class cell_t, class X>
00480 void addmoins(topology::point_graph<X>& g, const cell_t & c)
00481 {
00482   topology::point<X> p1(2),p2(2);
00483   p1[0]=(3*c.x0+c.x1)/4;
00484   p1[1]=(c.y0+c.y1)/2;
00485   int n1 = g.insert(p1);
00486   p2[0]=(c.x0+3*c.x1)/4;
00487   p2[1]=(c.y0+c.y1)/2;
00488   int n2=  g.insert(p2);
00489   g.insert(n1,n2);
00491 }       
00493 template<class cell_t, class X>
00494 void addcenter(topology::point_graph<X>& g, const cell_t & c)
00495 {
00496   topology::point<X> pt(2);
00497   pt[0]=(c.x0+c.x1)/2;
00498   pt[1]=(c.y0+c.y1)/2;
00499   g.insert(pt);
00500 }       
00501 //--------------------------------------------------------------------
00503 //====================================================================
00504 #endif //synaps_topology_sbd2d_H
