How to download and install the library

How to get it

The distribution of the library is available by ftp, and rpm from the svn server at the url

How to configure it

Once you get the file synaps-xxx.tar.gz by ftp, type
tar zxvf synaps-xxx.tar.gz
Then move in the directory synaps-xxx and type
./configue; make && make install
To see the different options of the configuration, type {./configure -h}
    --with-blas= [where is the libblas.a] 
    --with-lapack= [where is the liblapack.a] 
    --with-gmp= [where is the directory gmp] 
    --with-mpsolve= [where is the directory mpsolve] 
    --infodir= [where to install the documentation, with make install] 
    --bindir= [where to install s++, with make install] 
    --prefix= [where to install the rest of the library]

How to use it

Once the s++ script has been generated, it can be used as a compiler command, as follows:
s++ <file>.cc

Options of compilation

It will generate an executable file file.ex, that can be run by typing ./file.ex. The options of the command s++ are optained by typing
s++ -h 
Files can be compiled separately. Using the option -c as follows:
s++ -c 
which will produce a file.o, which you will be able to link to another application. The file that you compile can be executed by
s++ -run     # Compile and run the file.ex 
s++ -exe     # Execute the file.ex
If you use options which are not mentionned in the previous list, they are passed directly to the C++ compiler.
s++ -Wall -O6
This will pass the options -Wall and -O6 to the C++ compiler.

Check the installation

In order to check the parameters of the installation, you can type \ s++ -v, which produces:
VERSION = <time when you produce the s++ command>
SOURCES = <source dir>
INCDIR  = -I<includedir> ...
LIBDIR  = -L<libdir>
LIB     = -llib1
OPTION  = <options of the compilation>
OBJ     = <list of object files>
CXX     = <compiler used>
