Symbolic Analysis @ FoCM'14

December 15-17th, 2014
Montevideo, Uruguay

The workshop is part of the triennial conference organized by the society for Foundations of Computational Mathematics hosted in Montevideo, December 11-20th, 2014.



Related plenary speakers

Previous Workshops

The workshop addresses on the algebraic foundations and symbolic algorithms for problems resorting to differential and difference equations. Favorite topics have included Lie symmetry, differential invariants, differential Galois theory, local and closed form solution, normal form algorithms, operator algebras and combinatorics.

Daily schedule

Plenary talks 9:30-10:30, 11:00-12:00
Posters, coffee 10:30-11:00, 4:30-5:00
Workshop talks 2:30-4:30, 5:00-6:30

Detailed schedule of the conference
Synopses of workshop talks and posters


Evelyne Hubert,
INRIA Méditérranée,
Sophia Antipolis, France

Peter Paule,
Research Institute for Symbolic Computation
Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria

Enrique G. Reyes
Universidad de Santiago de Chile

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