
Summer school on

    Open Software for Algebraic and Geometric computation   

Sophia Antipolis

5-9 September 2005


Our daily research activity  involves more and more frequently, the use of specialized tools. This leads some members of our community to  develop dedicated and
efficient software,  which are often open to the other members of the domain, but which access and use might seem  difficult.
The objective of this school is to give the opportunity to present such hight-performance tools, through tutorials and initiation sessions.
These presentations will take the form of 3-hour courses, on Linux workstation, during which each participant will have the possibility to practice and experiment,
under the advices of expert  people involved in their development.
This school is particularly devoted to Ph.D.Students and researchers, interested in using or developing open software in the Algebra and Geometry.
Here is a non-exhaustive list of interests, to be addressed during this school:
A CDROM including the software and tutorial supports is now available here, as proceedings of this summer school.

Program committee:

Important dates:

Submission for a tutorial presentation


The summer school is supported by the General Council  and the INRIA “training through research” department and  the  network Aim@Shape.
There is no registration fee but you have to send a registration form (still open until we reach the limit of participants) to
the number of participants is limited to 30, for practical reasons .
 Participations have only to take care about their lodging (see accomodation below) and diners. Courses and lunches are free.



Location of the summer school

Contact: Monique Simonetti, Bernard Mourrain

Some pictures
