The Local Tactics Library

Open Scope J_Scope.


elimAnd is used mainly to eliminate and within the hypothesis. For the goals the preferred tactic is still split.

Ltac genclear H := generalize H;clear H.
Ltac map_hyp Tac :=
  repeat match goal with
    | [ H : _ |- _ ] => try (Tac H);genclear H
    end; intros.

Inductive Plist : Prop :=
  | Pnil : Plist
  | Pcons : Prop -> Plist -> Plist.

Ltac build_imp Pl C :=
  match Pl with
  | Pnil => constr:C
  | Pcons ?A ?Pl' =>
        let C' := constr:(A->C) in
        build_imp Pl' C'

Inductive PPlProd : Prop :=
 | PPlPair : Plist -> Prop -> PPlProd.

Ltac elim_aT Pl T :=
  match T with
  | ?A /\ ?B =>
      let A' := elim_aT Pl A in
      let B' := elim_aT Pl B in
      constr:(A' /\ B')
  | ?A => build_imp Pl T

Ltac elim_iaT Pl T :=
   match T with
   | (?B /\ ?C) =>
        let P := elim_aT Pl T in
        constr:(PPlPair Pl P)
   | (?A -> ?D) =>
        let Pl' := constr:(Pcons A Pl) in
        elim_iaT Pl' D

Ltac splitAndH H :=
  match type of H with
  | ?A /\ ?B =>
             case H;clear H;
             let H1 := fresh "H" in
             let H2 := fresh "H" in
             (intros H1 H2; splitAndH H1; splitAndH H2)
  | _ => idtac

Ltac introPl Pl H :=
 match Pl with
 | Pnil => splitAndH H
 | Pcons _ ?pl =>
     let H1 := fresh "H" in
     let H2 := fresh "H" in
     (intro H1;assert (H2:= H H1);introPl pl H2)

Ltac splitAnd :=
  match goal with
  | [|- ?A /\ ?B] => split;splitAnd
  | _ => idtac

Ltac elimAnd :=
  match goal with
  | [H : ? A /\ ?B |- _ ] =>
             case H;clear H;
             let H1 := fresh "H" in
             let H2 := fresh "H" in
             intros H1 H2; elimAnd
  | [H : ?HT|- _ ] =>
       let pair := elim_iaT Pnil HT in
       match pair with
       | PPlPair ?Pl ?newT =>
         assert newT;
         [splitAnd; introPl Pl H;trivial | clear H;elimAnd]
  | [H: _ |- _ ] => genclear H;elimAnd
  | _ => intros; repeat match goal with [H: _ |- _ /\ _] => split end


SolveInc was once used to solve trivial incrementations and some arithmetic stuff; it is a bit like a light j_omega

Lemma j_le_inc_sup : forall n m v, (Zle 0 n) -> (j_le m v) -> (j_le m (j_add v n)).
unfold j_le, j_add in *; intros.
replace m with (((m - n)+ n)%Z).
apply Zplus_le_compat_r. assert (((m - n) <= m)%Z).
apply Zle_trans with m...

Lemma j_le_inc_inf : forall m v, (j_lt v m) -> (j_le (j_add v 1) m).
unfold j_le, j_lt, j_add in *; intros.
replace (v + 1)%Z with (Zsucc v). apply Zlt_le_succ...

Lemma j_ge_le: forall n m, (j_le m n) -> (j_ge n m).
unfold j_ge, j_le; intros.
apply Zle_ge...

Lemma j_le_ge: forall n m, (j_ge m n) -> (j_le n m).
unfold j_ge, j_le; intros.
apply Zge_le...

Lemma j_gt_lt: forall n m, (j_lt m n) -> (j_gt n m).
unfold j_gt, j_lt; intros.
apply Zlt_gt...

Lemma j_lt_gt: forall n m, (j_gt m n) -> (j_lt n m).
unfold j_gt, j_lt; intros.
apply Zgt_lt...

Lemma j_not_gt_hyp: forall n m, (~ (j_gt m n)) -> (j_le m n).
unfold j_gt, j_le; intros; apply Znot_gt_le...
Lemma j_not_gt: forall n m, (j_le m n) -> (~ (j_gt m n)).
unfold j_gt, j_le; intros; apply Zle_not_gt...
Lemma j_not_ge_hyp: forall n m, (~ (j_ge m n)) -> (j_lt m n).
unfold j_ge, j_lt; intros; apply Znot_ge_lt...
Lemma j_not_ge: forall n m, (j_lt m n) -> (~ (j_ge m n)).
unfold j_ge, j_lt.
intros n m H1 H2. apply H2. assumption.

Lemma j_not_lt_hyp: forall n m, (~ (j_lt m n)) -> (j_ge m n).
unfold j_lt, j_ge; intros; apply Znot_lt_ge...
Lemma j_not_lt: forall n m, (j_ge m n) -> (~ (j_lt m n)).
unfold j_lt, j_ge; intros n m H1 H2; apply H1; assumption.
Lemma j_not_le_hyp: forall n m, (~ (j_le m n)) -> (j_gt m n).
unfold j_le, j_gt; intros; apply Znot_le_gt...
Lemma j_not_le: forall n m, (j_gt m n) -> (~ (j_le m n)).
unfold j_le, j_gt; intros n m H1 H2. apply H2. assumption.

Lemma j_le_dec_sup : forall m v, (j_lt m v) -> (j_le (j_sub v 1) m) -> m = (j_sub v 1).
unfold j_le, j_lt, j_sub in *; intros m v h1 h2.
assert (h3:(v <= m + 1)%Z).
rewrite <- (Zplus_0_r v). rewrite <- (Zplus_opp_l 1). rewrite Zplus_assoc.
apply Zplus_le_compat_r. assumption.
replace (m + 1)%Z with (Zsucc m) in h3.
assert(h4 : (Zsucc m <= v)%Z).
apply Zlt_le_succ...
apply Zle_antisym; omega. omega.
Ltac solve_hyp f t H m n :=
let H1 := fresh "H" in (assert (H1: f m n) ; [(apply t; assumption; clear H)|clear H]).

Ltac solveInc :=
repeat match goal with
| [H: (j_lt ?v ?w) |- (j_le (j_add ?v 1) ?w)] => apply j_le_inc_inf;apply H
| [H1: (j_le ?m ?n), H2: j_le ?n ?m |- _] =>
                      let H := fresh "H" in (assert (H: m = n);
                         [(apply Zle_antisym; auto; clear H1; clear H2) | (clear H1; clear H2)])
| [H: (j_ge ?n ?m) |- _] => solve_hyp j_le j_le_ge H m n
| [H: _ |- (j_ge ?n ?m)] => apply j_ge_le
| [H: (j_gt ?n ?m) |- _] => solve_hyp j_lt j_lt_gt H m n
| [H: _ |- (j_gt ?n ?m)] => apply j_gt_lt
| [H: ~ (j_gt ?n ?m) |- _] => solve_hyp j_le j_not_gt_hyp H n m
| [H: _ |- ~ (j_gt ?n ?m)] => apply j_not_gt
| [H: ~ (j_ge ?n ?m) |- _] => solve_hyp j_lt j_not_ge_hyp H n m
| [H: _ |- ~ (j_ge ?n ?m)] => apply j_not_ge
| [H: ~ (j_lt ?n ?m) |- _] => solve_hyp j_ge j_not_lt_hyp H n m
| [H: _ |- ~ (j_lt ?n ?m)] => apply j_not_lt
| [H: ~ (j_le ?n ?m) |- _] => solve_hyp j_gt j_not_le_hyp H n m
| [H: _ |- ~ (j_le ?n ?m)] => apply j_not_le
| [H: _ |- j_le ?n ?n] => unfold j_le; apply Zle_refl


This tactic is used to remove the not in front of a or (in the hypothesis), turning ~ (A \/ B) into (~ A) /\ (~ B).

Definition distr_or : forall A B, ~ (A \/ B) -> ~ A.

Definition distr_or_inv : forall A B, ~ (A \/ B) -> ~B.

Ltac elimNorCons a b := let H1 := fresh "H" in
                                          assert (H1 : ~ (a)); cut (~(a \/ b)) ; auto;
                                          let H2 := fresh "H" in
                                          assert (H2 : ~ (b)); cut (~(a \/ b)); auto.

Ltac elimNor :=
  repeat match goal with
  | [H: ~ (?a \/ ?b) |- _ ] => elimNorCons a b; clear H; let H0 := fresh "H" in (let H1 := fresh "H" in (intros H0 H1; clear H0 H1))

overriding; elimIF

These tactics are more for internal use; eliminating overriding constructions and the hypothesis using REFeq and Zeq.

Ltac elimREFeq x y :=
let H1 := fresh "H" in
let H2 := fresh "H" in
let H3:= fresh "H" in
(assert (H1:= REFeq_eq x y);
assert (H2:= REFeq_false_not_eq x y);
destruct (REFeq x y);
[assert (H3:= H1 (refl_equal true));clear H1 H2; try (subst x)
| assert (H3:= H2 (refl_equal false));clear H1 H2]).

Ltac overriding :=
          match goal with
          | [H : ?a <> ?c |- overridingCoupleRef ?T ?f ?a ?b ?c = ?f ?c] =>
                    apply overridingCoupleRef_diff; apply H
          | [H : ?a = ?c |- overridingCoupleRef ?T ?f ?a ?b ?c = ?b] =>
                    apply overridingCoupleRef_eq; apply H
          | [H : ?a <> ?c |- overridingCoupleZ ?T ?f ?a ?b ?c = ?f ?c] =>
                    apply overridingCoupleZ_diff; apply H
          | [H : ?a = ?c |- overridingCoupleZ ?T ?f ?a ?b ?c = ?b] =>
                    apply overridingCoupleZ_eq; apply H
Ltac EQ_is_eq :=
  repeat match goal with
  | [H : REFeq ?x ?y = true |- _ ] =>
           let H1 := fresh "H" in
           (assert (H1:= REFeq_eq x y H);clear H)
  | [H : REFeq ?x ?y = false |- _ ] =>
           let H1 := fresh "H" in
           (assert (H1:= REFeq_false_not_eq x y H); clear H)
  | [H : Zeq ?x ?y = true |- _ ] =>
           let H1 := fresh "H" in
           (assert (H1:= Zeq_eq x y H);clear H)
  | [H : Zeq ?x ?y = false |- _ ] =>
           let H1 := fresh "H" in
           (assert (H1:= Zeq_false_not_eq x y H); clear H)
  Ltac generalize_all x :=
        match goal with
   | [H : context [x] |- _ ] => generalize H;clear H; generalize_all x
   | _ => idtac

  Ltac gendestruct x :=
   generalize_all x;
   generalize (refl_equal x);
   pattern x at -1;
   case x.
  Ltac elimIF :=
   repeat match goal with
   | [H : context [REFeq ?x ?x] |- _ ] => rewrite (REFeq_refl x) in H
   | [H1 : REFeq ?x ?y = false, H2 : context [if (REFeq ?x ?y) then _ else _] |- _] =>
      rewrite H1 in H2
   | [H1 : REFeq ?x ?y = true, H2 : context [if (REFeq ?x ?y) then _ else _] |- _] =>
       rewrite H1 in H2
   | [H : context [Zeq ?x ?x] |- _ ] => rewrite (Zeq_refl x) in H
   | [H1 : Zeq ?x ?y = false, H2 : context [if (Zeq ?x ?y) then _ else _] |- _] =>
      rewrite H1 in H2
   | [H1 : Zeq ?x ?y = true, H2 : context [if (Zeq ?x ?y) then _ else _] |- _] =>
       rewrite H1 in H2
   | [H : context [if ?b then _ else _ ]|- _] => gendestruct b;intros
   | [|- context [if ?b then _ else _]] => gendestruct b;intros

Array Things

Old Tactics used in the tactic arrtac.

Ltac unfoldRefArrAx array pos := let H:= fresh "H" in (assert(H:= refelementsDom (refelements array pos) array pos);
                                                                 let H1 := fresh "H" in (assert (H1 : refelements array pos = null \/ instances (refelements array pos));
                                                                                     [apply H; trivial | clear H])).

Ltac unfoldArrayTypeAx arr := match goal with
[H: (subtypes (typeof ?arr) (array (class ?c) ?n)) |- _] =>
                   let H1:= fresh "H" in (assert(H1:= ArrayTypeAx arr c n);
                                              let H2 := fresh "H" in (assert (H2:= H1 H); clear H))

Ltac solveRefElm := match goal with
| [h : _ |- instances (refelements ?array ?pos)] =>
                              unfoldRefArrAx array pos


To clean up the mess (sometimes).

Ltac clean_up :=
repeat match goal with
| [H1: ?a, H2: ?a |- _] => clear H2| [H1: ?a = ?a |- _ ] => clear H1| [H1: ?a < ?b, H2: ?a <= ?b |- _] => clear H2


When there is a contradiction absurdJack can often solve it. It is mainly used through autoJack.

Ltac absurdJack :=
  match goal with
  | [H : true = false |- _] => inversion H
  | [H : false = true |- _] => inversion H
  | [H : ?x <> ?x |- _ ] => elim H;trivial
  | [H1 : ?x <> ?y, H2 : ?x = ?y |- _] => elim (H1 H2)
  | [H: Zpos _ < 0 |- _] => discriminate H
  | [H: Zpos _ <= 0 |- _]=> elim H;trivial
  | [H : subtypes _ _ |- _ ] => simpl in H; match type of H with False => elim H end
  | [H1 : arraylength ?x = _, H2 : context [j_sub (arraylength ?x) _] |- _] =>
        rewrite H1 in H2;simpl in H2;absurdJack
  | [H : ?x -> subtypes _ _ |- _ ] =>
    simpl in H;
    match type of H with _ -> False => elim H; auto end
  | _ => try discriminate
Ltac absurdJackTougher :=
  match goal with
  | [H : ?x -> subtypes _ _ |- _ ] =>
  simpl in H;
 match type of H with _ -> False => elim H; auto end
  | _ => idtac

Some Macros


it is used for arithmetic solving on java types.


it is used to simplify overriding constructions.

Ltac j_omega := try (unfold j_le, j_add, j_mul, j_lt, j_sub in *; omega).
Ltac solveOver :=
        unfold overridingCoupleZ, overridingCoupleRef in *; elimIF.

Automatic proving


Jack's CoqPlugin's auto tactic.


To automatically solve a goal applying an hypothesis.


To prepare things up (doing some intros; unfolding several things).

light and tough AutoJack

Used for automatic proving.

Ltac autoJack :=
   try overriding;
   try absurdJack;
   try (solveOver;auto;absurdJack).

Ltac tryApply :=
  match goal with
  | [ H : _ |- _ ] => ((intros;apply H;autoJack) || (generalize H;clear H;tryApply))
  | _ => intros

Ltac Folie := do 2 (elimIF; tryApply; autoJack; intuition; autoJack).

Ltac lightStartJack := intros; unfold singleton, union, functionEquals, interval in *; elimAnd; elimNor.
Ltac lightAutoJack := lightStartJack; autoJack; try j_omega.

Ltac toughAutoJack := lightStartJack; Folie.

  Ltac startJack := lightStartJack; solveInc; clean_up.


Used to destruct loops: when you have i <= b and you want to have two cases: i < b and i = b.

Ltac destrJlt n :=
    let H := fresh "H" in (assert (H: n); [j_omega | idtac]; destruct (j_le_lt_or_eq _ _ H); auto).

Some more array tactics


To use when you have things to prove on the length of arrays.


To use when you have things to prove on the subtypes of arrays.


To use when a goal has the form instance (refelements arr i).


An auto tactic for arrays using all of the above.

Ltac arrlen :=
   eapply arraylenAx; eauto.
Ltac arrtype := eapply ArrayTypeAx; eauto.
Ltac arrelm := solveRefElm; autoJack.

Ltac find_subtype_array t T :=
    match T with
    | subtypes (typeof t) (array _ _) => constr:T
    | ?A -> ?B => find_subtype_array t B

Ltac assertsubtypes_array t :=
    match goal with
    | [H: ?T |- _] =>
      match find_subtype_array t T with
      | ?res => assert (res); [apply H | intros;arrlen]

Ltac le_arraylength :=
  match goal with
  | [|- 0 <= arraylength ?t] =>
     assertsubtypes_array t

Ltac array_tac :=
  match goal with
  | [|- instances (refelements _ _)] => arrelm
  | [|- subtypes (typeof (refelements _ _)) _] => arrtype
  | [|- 0 <= arraylength ?t] =>
     assertsubtypes_array t; try array_tac
  | _ => idtac

Ltac arrtac := array_tac.

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