Laprascopic Surgery

index: Hepatectomy /Comments /Photos [back] [AISIM]

See also the notes at visite de l'IRCAD.

Description of a hepatectomy

Before receiving a detailed description of the operation procedure from IRCAD, I will describe the procedure as I understand it. Given the extent of my surgical knowledge (30 seconds in laparoscopy on a pig and 2 video tapes of laparoscopy on man), there could be some inaccuracies.

We will concentrate on a hepatectomy, an operation involving cutting out and removal of a part of the liver (one or several segments). The procedure is lengthy (210 minutes on one of the video tapes that we watched).

Some comments regarding the two operations


A collection of pictures gathered by F. Neyret on

Please send any comments/ corrections/ complements to jc lombardo.