Priscille DURVILLE photo
INRIA - Sophia Antipolis-Méditerranée   ·   EDELWEISS team
2004 route des Lucioles - B.P. 93
Sophia-Antipolis, 06902 France
(+33)4 92 38 50 23 (Sophia-Antipolis)
(+33)1 39 63 52 77 (Paris)

Works on...

Semantic services/tags

A set of (domain independant) web services providing semantic basic functionalities like knowledge base management:

or like queries handling: SPARQL request queries handling, SPARQL queries syntax and semantic validation. These web services are accessible in a SOAP and REST way. They return results as text/plain, XML or JSON as requested by the client.

A semantic JSP tags library allowing J2EE developers to add semantic in their web applications easily. These functionalities are the same as the ones provided by the semantic web services described above.

Semantic tools box

A framework dedicated to annotations, annotations generation and other generic tools needed while developing applications dealing with texts and annotations.

See also...

...involved in the e-Wok_Hub project


Set of generic XSL stylesheets dedicated to mappings:

Ontologies :

Last publications