The DIANA team conducts research in the domain of networking, with an emphasis on designing, implementing, and analysis of new network architecture with a special focus on Internet users rights. The main objective of the team is to propose and study new architectures, services and protocols that will enable service transparency and better control on user data in the context of hundred billions mobile connected devices. The main research directions are:
We envision that mobile devices will become the primary Internet access for most users and foresee a convergence between desktops, laptops and those mobile devices. In the DIANA team, we focus our research effort taking into account this new and disruptive context where the main usage is accessing contents and services rather than connecting to well defined hosts.
The main consequence of the complexity of the Internet is that modeling and understanding the network and services are harder and harder to achieve. Our team has an experimental approach built around measurements and observation of the current behavior of Internet users and available technology and come up with models for the ways information are exchanged. Then we design and evaluate protocols and system solutions that allow this seamless, open, efficient, and secure access to information and services. Evaluation of our proposals will be performed by leveraging on networking platforms and simulators developed by the team such as OneLab, FIT and ns-3.