Development and Industrial Relationship Manager (CDRI.) for the INRIA Sophia-Antipolis Research Center.
Laurence Rideau and Laurent Théry,
``Interactive Programming
Environment for ML'',
Research Report INRIA 3139, March 1997.
P. Asar, (generic name for the Project ASAR, including L.
and Multi-Formalism: The ASAR Project'',
The Fourth International IFIP 10.5 Working Conference on Electronic
Design Automation Frameworks, Gramado (Brazil), November 1994.
A.-M. Déry and L. Rideau,
``Distributed programming
environments: an example of a message protocol'',
Inria Technical Report no. 165, August 1994.
I. Jacobs and L. Rideau,
``A Centaur Tutorial'',
Inria Technical Report no. 140, July 1992.
T. Bouguerba, J. Benzakki, M. Israel and L. Rideau,
front-end VHDL editor for synthesis tools",
proceedings VUIF'95 San-Diego - April 1995.
T. Bouguerba, J. Benzakki,M. Israel and L. Rideau,
subsets in the SDEV environment. A Case Study : The Synopsys Subset.",
proceedings VUIF'95 Boston - pages 2.11-2.16 - October 1995
P. Asar, (generic name for the Project ASAR, including L.
"Vers un Atelier d'accueil générique pour la Synthèse
ARchitecturale bâti autour de CENTAUR : ASA"
Symposium Architectures Nouvelles de Machines - Rennes - Décember
2-3, 1995.