Viewing error messages as they are printed by Coq

The CtCoq interface processes the error messages from Coq before printing them in its message window. Unfortunately, there has been so far no arrangement with the Coq group to provide a regular form of error messages. For this reason, it may happen that some of the information in the error message is lost before printing by CtCoq. To have a view where you see the exact error message, you can open a new xterm window and run the command coqserver-spy in this window. This command will print all the answers from Coq to requests from the CtCoq user-interface. In particular, you will see the error messages the way they are really produced by CtCoq. Beware though, that this may make the interaction slower.

Adapting CtCoq to the actual setting of your X server

It may happen that the character fonts available on your X server are not the same as the ones with which we have designed the interface. When this is the case, you can adapt your setting using the tool we called caff (the acronym for Check All the F**ing Fonts). This tool checks that the fonts requested in the resources are available on you X server and gives indications to solve the problem when this is not the case.
Yves Bertot
Last modified: Tue Sep 24 10:43:52 MET DST