In Typol, sequents are rigorously typed and must be declared at the beginning of a program by a judgement declaration. The judgement declares a syntactic form that may be used throughout the program. The form consists of expressions and symbols. The expressions may be any of the following:
For example, the judgement:
declares that expression to the left of the colon must be an abstract syntax tree pattern whose associated operator belongs to the phylum EXP. To the right of the colon, the pattern's associated operator must belong to the phylum INTEGER.
The profile of the judgement -the number and syntax of
symbols and the number of elements in the hypotheses and
consequents- may only appear once in a program. For example, the
following judgements could not both appear in the same
judgement ENV |- DECLS -> ENV judgement ENV |- RULES -> ENV
A sequent that doesn't respect the abstract syntax constraints imposed by the judgement is rejected by the Typol type checker.
What judgement(s) should we declare for The most natural response is:
judgement EXP : INTEGER
However, we want to evaluate not only an expression, but a list of expressions (phylum EXP_S). We can either add a second judgement to handle an expression list, create a larger phylum to englobe both EXP and EXP_S, or use the language name to allow all Exp phlya. We choose the later solution for the sake of simplicity, but we discourage this choice in general because it allows overly permissive, weakly typed semantic rules.
To the right of the colon, we specify INTEGER, which contains the operator integer, the lone operator in Exp that expresses a value. Our judgement declaration therefore has the form:
judgement Exp : INTEGER