Alternate abstract syntaxes

Let's look at another possible abstract syntax for Exp which imparts more type information and editing freedom. Instead of creating a new operator for each binary operator:

      plus  -> EXP EXP ;
      minus  -> EXP EXP ;
      prod  -> EXP EXP ;

we may group all binary expressions under one operator with three tree descendents instead of two. The value of the atomic operator binop is a string that allows us to distinguish binary operators.

      bexp -> EXP BINOP EXP ;
      binop -> implemented as STRING ;
      BINOP ::= binop ;

and change the phylum EXP accordingly:

     EXP ::= bexp variable integer ... ;

When we compare the small trees constructed with both approaches in Figure , several advantages of the ``clever'' approach stand out:

The primary advantage of the simple approach is its simplicity, so we prefer sticking with it for the rest of the tutorial.
