Here are a few editing tips:
- By default, the beginners menu only contains fragments of the
abstract syntax as specified by the formalism. However, you may add
frequently used patterns (more or less instantiated) to this menu by
selecting an expression in the source ctedit then clicking on the
button of the Editing-Tools menu.
- Use metavariables as points of reference. For example, rather
than programming a statement to print ``Not implemented,'' just leave
a metavariable at that position. You can go back to it later. And, you
may use the calculator box (popped up by the
of the Editing-Tools menu) to navigate directly to metavariables
within a program.
- Use guided editing mode (since much syntax information is
supplied for you). Use in-line editing on small subtrees, typically
those that are printed on less than one line.
- Use clipboards to store frequently used subtrees. Please see the
editing and transformation manual for information about local clipboards.