The environment module

The Le-Lisp code for the Exp environment should be stored in the directory contrib/Exp/environment (specified by resources in the formalism resource file). This directory contains a module description file named module.LM which allows us to compile the Le-Lisp code and which directs the loading of the Exp environment. The code will be stored in two other files:

We will not discuss the compilation of the Exp module in this tutorial. However, in order for Centaur to automatically load the environment module, make sure that the module.LM file contains the following text:

   defmodule contrib/Exp/environment

   files ("contrib/Exp/environment/Exp.ll"
   import (centaur/tables/typol/env)

Note that we import the Typol environment module. This ensures that Centaur loads Typol environment code necessary for the construction of the Exp interpreter.

We do not provide a listing of the final version of the Exp environment module in this document. The Centaur distribution includes the Exp hierarchy, so you may consult the complete module specification in the directory contrib/Exp/environment below the Centaur root directory.
