The language hierarchy

The language hierarchy is the tree of directories and files that make up the language environment. Although you may create a language hierarchy anywhere you like, we suggest first creating a directory:


that will contain all language hierarchies. We call this directory the contrib directory. To create the Exp hierarchy, go to the contrib directory and type after the unix prompt (here %cahors):

cahors%centaur-language Exp contrib

This command creates almost all the files necessary in a language hierarchy. You will be asked for information concerning:

N.B. This command indicates a few lines of resources that must be included in the .centaur.rdb file of your home directory:

Centaur.Formalisms: (... Exp ...)
Centaur.Exp*Root: user
Centaur.Exp.Database.Location: contrib/Exp/syntax/Exp.rdb

where ... indicates the possible presence of other information.
