Unless you specify otherwise on the centaur command line.

A variable may be the subject of any number of ctedits, but a ctedit may only have one subject at a time.

When changing directories with cd, no blanks may appear between the lisp prompt and the exclamation mark.

Not including an operator in a phylum, on the other hand, does not prevent the construction of an abstract syntax tree but may pose problems during semantic analysis.

To analyze the conflicts yourself, you might try applying Yacc by hand, with the ``-v'' (verbose) option to the yaccExp.y file generated by the Metal compiler. The resulting y.output file indicates the locations of the shift-reduce and reduce-reduce conflicts. Good luck.

The fact that the comment lasts until the end of the line is specified by preceding lines of this file, not shown here.

Note that variable names are different since they are to be instantiated with different values. Variables may be referenced any number of times in the right hand part of a rule.

By default, Centaur decreases the print level by one before unparsing a node's descendents. You may, however, change this behavior for each descendent explicitly in the right hand part of a rule.

The query is a list of instance names followed by a list of the same number of class names. It doesn't ever contain question marks or asterisks.

Not exactly. If the sequent has no hypotheses and its consequent is a simple list of expressions, you may omit the turnstyle and put the consequent in parentheses.

To resolve this conflict, you could either replace the phyla RULES and DECLS by a phylum containing the two, or replace -> by a different symol.

Typol keywords must be prefixed by a sharp sign (``#'').

This insures that the RESULT variable will always be at the beginning of the list and therefore the first variable displayed, a purely aesthetic choice.

It is possible to rename ports when including an stnode in a network so that semantically compatible ports are connected.

This unfortunately doesn't really happen.

The environment may have already been loaded if we have, say, edited a Typol program. It is not reloaded in this case.

Among other reasons, this gives us free redisplay in any ctedit's that display this variable.

The correspondence depends on the type of formatter being used.

The type symbol must be used for packaged symbols.
