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Re: memnumode sources missing in contrib

In article <26951@sophia.inria.fr>, Guido.Bosch@loria.fr (Guido Bosch) writes:
=> It seems that the sources of the menumode package are no longer in the
=> Centaur 1.2 distribution. Is this missing a voluntary one or just by
=> accident?

=> [ the module.LM file stuff deleted ]

=> And that is what the directory really contains:
=>   /local/lapicque/centaur1.2/contrib/menumode/env:

=> [ directory list deleted ]

=>     -rw-r--r--  1 bosch       28217 Apr  7 09:07 module.lm
=>     -rw-r--r--  1 bosch      265360 Apr  7 09:08 module.lo
=>   -rw-r--r--  1 bosch         184 Apr  7 08:53 include.ll


This is a voluntary decision.  We do not include the source files for 
compiled modules in the centaur system.  To load a compiled module you
only need the include.ll, module.lo, and module.lm files.

=> Anyway, are there many changes in menumode since the last version? If
=> not so, I always can have a look at the sources of the version 1.1.

Yes, i believe there are quite a few changes.  The documentation provided
in /net/croap/ct/distrib1.2/docs/menumode/main.ps is probably a code place
to start if you've questions regarding menumode ... otherwise feel free 
to send along another message.
