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Questions from a new user...

I'm posting this message for Thomas Kuehne <kuehne@pi.informatik.th-darmstadt.de>,
as well as putting him on the centaur mailing list.  Please answer him directly.


From: Thomas Kuehne <kuehne@pi.informatik.th-darmstadt.de>
Other problems with centaur are:

The editor window of a ctedit accepts input only after i visited another
window with the mouse ???
The read file window of a ctedit suddenly accepts no more keyboard input.
They only way to enter something is by pasting text with the mouse.

These may be problems of our window manager (twm).

Sometimes i would like to do a prolog-restore for a specific langauage only.
I want to use the newly generated .pg files without losing the typechecker

The parser tables (.t files) are always written in the current directory.
They should be written in the directory the .metal file came from.
With TYPOL: .ty and .pg,.po,.po files this works.

Other things i dream of:

It would be nice if it were possible to distribute the .ty files
to there corresponding language definitions or at least in seperate dictionarys.
Currently one must put all in one semantics directory.

Another nice thing will be a project manager for .ty files.
It would trace the import list and recompile all those files whichs
imported files have changed.

Many regards
