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Hellow, Dear Sir or Mam:
	I am a beginner on Centaur 1.0 working on Sun Workstation.
I am trying to go through "A Centaur Tutorial" right now. According
to the tutorial, I created a file named Exp.matel, my problem is that
I can't read the file correctly according to the procedures what page 
8 says (A Centaur Tutorial). The centaur's responses are some like:
? File not found: exp.t
? File not found: matel.t
? ** errx : [4] X_QueryPointer (0) BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) :

	I don't know what wrong with me, could you please give some hints
about that. And I am sure that in the later time, you will offer me a lot
of help to study and to use the Centaur.
	Thank you.

Rongliang Li