
Photos and Videos
robot parallèle à câbles/ parallel
wire-driven robot
| MARIONET-REHAB,(2004-) |
| MARIONET-CRANE,(2008-) |
| set up of MARIONET-CRANE |
| dealing with a car accident with MARIONET-CRANE |
| transfer operation with MARIONET-ASSIST |
| MARIONET-VR (2012-) |
| MARIONET-SCHOOL-1 (2012-) |
| MARIONET-SCHOOL-1 in a classroom |
| MARIONET-SCHOOL-2 (2012-) |
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robots parallèles/ parallel
| CMW robot |
| MIPS robot |
| MIPS robot |
| a robot developped for Alcatel/Thalès |
| ARESL a concept of a medical robot for MIS |
| a modified SERVOS motion base |
| a set-up for an immersive room |
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Assistance robotics
| our experimental flat |
| ANG-light, one of our instrumented walking aids |
| ANG-light used at Nice hospital |
| trajectory and angular rotation speed recorded by ANG |
| trajectories recorded by ANG (blue: age>65, red: age<40) |
| map of INRIA-Sophia annoted through ANG measurement
(red,blue,green: high/medium/low slopes, K: lowered kerbs) |
| the ANG-II motorized walking aid |
| ANG-II used as temporary wheelchair |
| an instrumented vest for fall detection |
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- Interval analysis:
an introduction on the principle:english
version, version
- Wire-driven parallel robot MARIONET-REHAB:
avi video (basic motion),used as a crane
(fast motion, 4 wires) , for
(patient has to point at an object on the screen),
- rescue crane MARIONET-CRANE: experiments,
changing mode,
lifting operation at home
- MARIONET-SCHOOL: elementary motion
medical robot ARES:
conceptual motion
- motion base: square
- ANG walking aid: walking
moving furniture, fall
detection and recovery
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