Next: Interval evaluation in ALIAS-Maple
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There are few exceptions for which an interval evaluation of an
expression cannot be computed for some ranges of the unknowns that
appear in the expression. Namely the following problems may occur when
intervals are involved:
- denominator that may include 0
- argument of square should be positive
- argument of arcsin and arccos should be included in [-1,1]
- argument of log,ln,log10 should be positive
- argument of arccosh should be greater than 1
- argument of arctanh cannot have an intersection with the interval [-1,1]
- argument of where is not an integer should be positive
- argument of should not be too large to avoid
overflow problem.
In that case the BIAS/Profil interval arithmetic package will
issue a fatal error. Hence attention should be paid to these evaluation
problems. ALIAS-Maple offers strategies to deal with these
problems, see sections 2.1.4,2.1.5.
Jean-Pierre Merlet