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Specific parameters for the parallel implementation

The solving parameters described in section 3.5 are the one that will be used by the algorithm run by the slaves. Hence it is necessary to specify the parameters for the algorithm that is run by the master.

There is a simple rule: the parameters for the master program have the same name with _master appended. Hence `ALIAS/maxkraw_master` is the parameter `ALIAS/maxkraw` that will be used by the master while the slaves will use the value of `ALIAS/maxkraw`. There is an exception to this rule: the parameters for the 3B method have _Master appended.

We indicate in table 10.1 parameters that appear in the parallel version of the procedures, their meaning, their default value and the corresponding name in the C++ library.

The parameters that play a role in the calculation are the same for the slave program than for the non parallel version except for the maximal number of boxes for the slave program which is defined by `ALIAS/maxbox_slave`.

Table 10.1: Parameters for parallel procedures
Parameter name Meaning C++ equivalent
`ALIAS/bisection_master` maximal number of boxes ALIAS_Parallel_Max_Bisection
that a master program may
create before checking
for free slaves
`ALIAS/bisection_slave` maximal number of boxes
returned by a slave ALIAS_Parallel_Max_Box
`ALIAS/diam_switch` maximal width of a box
before switching to direct
storage mode in a slave Diam_Switch
`ALIAS/3B_Master` 1 if 3B is activated
for the master
`ALIAS/Full3B_Master` full 3B
for the master
`ALIAS/Full3B_Change_Master` minimal change for the
full 3B for master
`ALIAS/Delta3B_Master` delta for master 3B
`ALIAS/Delta3B_ARRAY_Master` individual delta for master 3B
`ALIAS/Max3B_Master` maximal box width
for applying 3B for master
`ALIAS/Max3B_ARRAY_Master` individual maximal box width
for applying 3B for master
`ALIAS/Use_Simp_3B_Master` 0: don't use simplification
procedure in master
`ALIAS/gpp_sun` location of the C++ compiler
for Sun
`ALIAS/gpp_linux` location of the C++ compiler
for Linux
`ALIAS/libpvm` location of the pvm library
for Sun Os
`ALIAS/libpvm_linux` location of the pvm library
for Linux
`ALIAS/make_sun` location of the make program
for Sun Os
`ALIAS/make_linux` location of the make program
for Linux
`ALIAS/maxgradient_master` maxgradient flag
for the master program
`ALIAS/maxkraw_master` maxkraw flag
for the master program
`ALIAS/maxnewton_master` maxnewton flag
for the master program
`ALIAS/no_hessian_master` don't use hessian
for evaluation in master
`ALIAS/allows_n_new_boxes_master` allows_n_new_boxes
for the master
`ALIAS/max_reverse` see section 10.2 ALIAS_Parallel_Max_Reverse
`ALIAS/max_split` see section 10.2 ALIAS_Parallel_Max_Split
`ALIAS/max_split_master` max_split for the master
`ALIAS/profilN` string that indicates the
location of the BIAS/Profil
library for slaves having
a different architecture
than the master
`ALIAS/pvm` location of the pvm include file
`ALIAS/safety_factor see section 10.2 ALIAS_Safety_Factor
`ALIAS/store_gradient_slave` gradient storage
activated for the slave
`ALIAS/time_out` maximal computation time
of a slave ALIAS_TimeOut
`ALIAS/working_directory` directory where is located the
slave program

For the calculation of the master involving the simplex method you may define the parameters of the simplex using one of the following names `ALIAS/min_improve_simplex_master`, `ALIAS/full_simplex_master`.

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Jean-Pierre Merlet 2012-12-20