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This procedure will return:
: number of solutions
- -1: storage space exceeded
- -2: DimVar or DimVar is a negative number
- -4: an element in Type_Eq is not 0, -1 or 1
: in the mixed bisection mode the number of variables
that will be bisected is larger than the number of unknowns
: one of the value of ALIAS_Delta3B or
ALIAS_Max3B is negative or 0
: one of the value of ALIAS_SubEq3B is not 0 or 1
: although ALIAS_SubEq3B has as size the number of
equations none of its components is 1
: ALIAS_ND is different from 0 (i.e. we are
dealing with a non-0 dimensional problem, see the corresponding
chapter) and the name of the result file has not been specified
Note that in this procedure we use the single bisection mode (we
actually select the largest variable as the one that will be bisected)
and the reverse storage mode.
Jean-Pierre Merlet