I consider you don't have python or VTK installed. So, you must follow these steps: 1. Install Python in your system [use the python-2.4.3.msi file. If you cannot from here, you must download the .exe file from the python website http://www.python.org/download/] 2. Unzip the VTK-4.4.2-Python-2.4.1.zip file [This was built using VC7 on a 32 bit Win32 machine by Burkhard Doliwa for Python 2.4.1, Tcl8.4.11. Using the dlls requires having an installed Python-2.4.1 version. Anyway, you can use the version installed in step 1. If we assume that your Python install was in "C:\Python24" then simply unzip the contents of this ZIP file into that directory. The ZIP file basically contains the dlls and modules inside "Lib\site-packages\".] You should now be able to use VTK from Python. To test the install try this: python -c "import vtk; print vtk.vtkVersion().GetVTKSourceVersion()" If it runs without error you are done. 3. Put the vtkRenderingPythonTkWidgets.dll into your \windows\system folder (or \windows\system32). 4. Unzip the Mapawin.zip file Done!. Now, you can use Mapa. Try this: mapawin.py ejemplo Read the user's manual for more details.