CAFE, Computer Algebra and Functional Equations

Thursday, July 13 2006, INRIA, Sophia Antipolis

INRIA - 2004, route des Luciles - BP 93 - 06902 SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS Cedex, FRANCE


Final program

    Wednesday July 12
    20:00: Coach departs from ISSAC site in Genova
    22:30: Coach arrives at Sophia Antipolis
    Thursday July 13 INRIA Sophia Antipolis
    8:45-9:30: Registatrion, coffee
    09:30-9:40: Gérard Giraudon, Research Unit Director, Opening
    9:45-10:05 : E. Hubert, CAFE, M. Bronstein's project at INRIA
    10:10-10:25 : J.-A. Weil, M. Bronstein and his many projects

    10:30-11:15: Barry Trager, Algebraic functions and differential equations [abstract]
    11h:30-12:15: Felix Ulmer, Manuel Bronstein's contribution to closed form solutions of linear differential equations [abstract]

    12:30-14:00: Lunch

    14:00-14:45: Mark van Hoeij, Factorization and hypergeometric solutions of linear recurrence systems [abstract]
    15:00-15:45: Erich Kaltofen, Enabling Breakthrough: Manuel Bronstein's impact on the infrastructure of symbolic computation research [abstract]

    15:45-16:15: Coffe break

    16:15-17:00: Sergei Abramov, Linear functional systems in the work of Manuel Bronstein [abstract]
    17:15-18:00: Stephen Watt, Using tomorrow's technology today: Manuel Bronstein's work with computer algebra software [abstract]

    18:20-18:30: Michel Cosnard, Chairman of INRIA

    18:30-19:30: Pot de l'amitié

    20:45: Dinner at Novotel

Montserrat Argente