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factor~p\\ factor(e)(p)

factor: & P $\to$\ (F, Product P)\\
factor: & (P $\to$\ List P) $\to$\ (P $\to$\ (F, Product P))\\\end{signatures}

{\em p} & P & The polynomial to factor.\\
{\em e} & P $\to$\ List P & The factorization engine to use.\end{params}

Returns $(c, p_1^{e_1} \cdots p_n^{e_n})$\ such that
each $p_i$\...
p = c\;\prod_{i=1}^n p_i^{e_i}\,.

Uses the factorizer {\em e} for factoring the monic squarefree
factors of $p$.

Manuel Bronstein 2000-12-13