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SHASTA understands two different input formats, infix and lisp. You must choose one input format when you launch SHASTA and you cannot change the input format during a session. Use -i fmt on the command line to select the desired input format, where fmt is either infix (the default) or lisp. The startup banner informs you of the selected input format. The following sample sessions show how to compute the rational kernel of the operator $(n+1)(n+2)E^2 -n(n+1)E - n$ in both the infix and lisp formats:
% shasta

      -----  it                                          /| \    
      \                 S H A S T A 1.0.0               / |  \    
       \                                               |   \  \   
       /                 A Sum^it server               |    |  \  
      /                                                /     \  \ 
      -----                                           /      |   \
                   Use ^D to terminate session       /       /    \

Sum^it - Copyright (c) 1994-2002, ETH Zurich, INRIA and M.Bronstein
Algebra Library - Copyright (c) 1994-2002, ETH Zurich, INRIA and M.Bronstein
Algebra Library - Copyright (c) 1998-2002, NAG Ltd., LIFL and M.Moreno Maza
Aldor Library - Copyright (c) 1998-2002, INRIA and M.Bronstein
GMP version: must be linked with GMP (Free Software Foundation)

Input format = infix
Independent variable = n
Shift = E

1 --> L := (n+1)*(n+2)*E^2 -n*(n+1)*E -n;
0:00:00.010 (gc = 0:00:00.000)

2 --> K := kernel(L);
0:00:00.190 (gc = 0:00:00.120)
% shasta -ilisp

      -----  it                                          /| \    
      \                 S H A S T A 1.0.0               / |  \    
       \                                               |   \  \   
       /                 A Sum^it server               |    |  \  
      /                                                /     \  \ 
      -----                                           /      |   \
                   Use ^D to terminate session       /       /    \

Sum^it - Copyright (c) 1994-2002, ETH Zurich, INRIA and M.Bronstein
Algebra Library - Copyright (c) 1994-2002, ETH Zurich, INRIA and M.Bronstein
Algebra Library - Copyright (c) 1998-2002, NAG Ltd., LIFL and M.Moreno Maza
Aldor Library - Copyright (c) 1998-2002, INRIA and M.Bronstein
GMP version: must be linked with GMP (Free Software Foundation)

Input format = lisp
Independent variable = n
Shift = E

1 --> (setq L (+ (* (+ n 1) (+ n 2) (^ E 2)) (- (* n (+ n 1) E)) (- n)))
0:00:00.010 (gc = 0:00:00.000)

2 --> (setq K (kernel L))
0:00:00.190 (gc = 0:00:00.120)

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Manuel Bronstein 2002-09-04