The AxIS Team : Former members
INRIA Sophia Antipolis
Former members :
- Carole Goffart
- Mohamed Semi Gaieb (research Engineer, Elliot project )
- Lucile Gramusset
- Yi-Ling Kuo
- Florent Masseglia until 2011 (CR1 INRIA, Zenith
INRIA EPI in 2011)
- Alice Marascu (PhD student, University of Nice
Sophia Antipolis (UNS-STIC) from 2008 June until 2009 Sept 15)
Post-doc IRISA DREAM EPI followed by Post-doc at
the University of Trento - Department
of Engineering and Computer Science (Italy))
- Vanessa Bodard (Research Engineer, ELLIOT project - 2011) Enginneer
PSA Sochaux-Montbeliard
- Nicolas Béchet (Post-doc Addictrip and IDEAS Contracts
from September 2010 to
September 2011) POst-Doc
at University of Caen
- Nicolas Faure (Research Scientist)
- Maurice Yared (Student internship, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis, Jul.10-sept.10)
- Cristina Isai (Student internship, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis, Oct.08-sept.09)
- Céline Fiot (post-doctoral fellows, until Feb. 09)
- Nicolas Faure (post-doctoral fellows, until Dec. 09)
- Julie Marlier (Student internship, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis, Cemagref
Montpellier, April-October 08)
- Gaurav Panthari (Student internship LNMIIT, India, May-Aug.08)
- Goverdhan Singh (Student internship, Indian Institute
of Technology, India,
- Dipankar Das (Student
internship, Indian
Institute of Technology, India,
in Nîmes, May-July 08)
- Nischal Verma (Student
internship, Indian
Institute of Technology, India,
in Nîmes, May-July 08)
- Hassan Saneifar (Student internship, in
Montpellier, Jan-July 08)
- Yoann Pitarch (Student internship, Univ. Montpellier, Arc Sesur,
in Montpellier, Jan-July 08)
- Abdelmoujib Elkhoumri (Student internship, Univ. Hassan 1er, Maroc, July 07-Feb.08)
- Wei Wang (post-doctoral fellows, until December 2008)
- Sophie Honnorat(Assistant, until December 2008)
- Hicham Behja (PhD student - ENSAM Meknes Morocco, STIC-GL Network, 2002-2007)
- Guillaume Pilot (student internship - Apr.07-July 07)
- Mohamed Semi Gaieb (research internship, EPIA project - July 06-June 07)
- Alex Thibau (student internship - May
07-June 07)
- Bashar Saleh (student internship - Feb.07-June07)
- Christophe Mangeat (Research Engineer, MobiVIP project, oct.06-May
- Redda Kabbaj (student internship - July 06-Jan.07)
- Doru
Tanasa (PhD student
2001-2005, Research Engineer
- Ghuilaine Clouet (Research Engineer, from July 06 to
- Sergiu Chelcea (PhD student, 2002-2006)
- Mustapha Eddahibi (Faculté
des Sciences Semlalia, Marrakech, Maroc), October 2005
- Calin Garboni (student
internship, University
of Western Timisoara, Romania), From May 2005 until Dec.3 2005
- Mihai Jurca (Research
Engineer), until
Aug.31, 2005
- Rémi Busseuil (student ENS), until July 31,
- Patrick Chastellan (student Univ. Montpellier
II), until Sept. 30, 2005
- Sofiane Sellah (student Univ. Lyon II), until June 30, 2005
- Sattisvar Tandabany (student ENS), until June 30, 2005
- Calin Garboni (student
ESSI), until Aug.31, 2004
- Eric Guichard (secondment, Educ. Nat.), until Aug.31,
INRIA Rocquencourt
Former members :
- Bruno Almeida Pimentel (UFPE,
- MalikaCharrad (PhD Student, Co-Tutelle ENSI/CNAM until June 2010 Assitant Professor
at High Institute of Computer Science, Tunis, Tunisia)
- Marie-Aude Aufaure ((Ecole
Centrale de Paris, Laboratoire MAS (Mathématiques Appliquées aux Systèmes,
- Alzennyr da Silva (Phd student, University of Paris
IX Dauphine, until sept.30, 2009 Telecom Paris
Tech Engineer)
- Mohamed Ramzi Haddad (Student
interns, ENSI, Manouba,
Tunisie, March 08-June 08)
- Vladimir Naumovski (Student interns,FMIT,
July 08-Sept.08)
- Fabrice
Rossi (CR INRIA on secondment), until 2008
- Zeina Jrad (post-doctoral
fellows, ANR Eiffel project),
until 2008
- Jovan Pehcevski (post-doctoral fellows), until 2008
- Abdouroihamane Anli (post-doctoral
fellows, ANR Eiffel project),
until 2008
- Anne-Marie Vercoustre (research scientists), until 2008
- Abdourahmane Balde (University
of Paris IX Dauphine), until 2008
- Cyrille Maurice (Université de Namur, Belgique), 2007
- Eduardo Fraschini (student, Université de la République, Paraguay), 2006
- Jean-Nicolas Turlier (student IEE Evry), 2006
- Saba Gul (MIT, USA), until 2006
- Lopez Cavalcanti Nicomedes (Univ. de Pernambuco, Brésil), until
- Aïcha El Golli (University of Paris IX Dauphine) (EPIA project), until 2005
- Brieuc Conan-Guez (Phd student), until 2005
- Selma Khebbache (student, Paris 1), 2005
- Marina Dufresne (student,
Institut Galilée, Univ. Paris 13), 2005
- Fegas Mounir (student, Paris Sud
11), 2005
- Luc Baubois (student, University of Paris
IX Dauphine), 2004
F.Bonacina, updated 29-July-2010