Mahmoud Elsawy
Personal webpage

Welcome to my personal website! I am a permanent researcher as Inria Starting Faculty position at Atlantis project-team located at Centre Inria d'Université Côte d'Azur, France. I hold a Ph.D in Physics from the University of Aix-Marseille, France, where I specialized in Optics, Photonics and Image processing. As a researcher in the field of electromagnetic modelling, I have dedicated my career to designing and modeling complex linear and nonlinear nanophotonic components that can be fabricated and characterized experimentally. My research focuses on unlocking the full potential of these components for a range of practical applications. I am particularly captivated by the vast potential of Metasurfaces - both active and passive - for various applications in fields such as optical communications, imaging, and sensing. With my passion for exploring new technologies, I am excited to continue investigating the potential of Metasurfaces to transform these fields to the realistic practical industrial level . I invite you to explore my website to learn more about my research and expertise.

Universal active metasurface modelling approach with ultimate performance .

Optimization of metasurfaces under geometrical uncertainty using statistical learning.

Multiobjective optimization for the design of 3D RGB Metalens.

Review article on various numerical optmization methods for metasurface designs.

Job offers

  • Post-Doctoral Research Visit (2-years) in the context of the national ASTRID AAP 2024 project MAXINET: Physically Informed Neural Network for radio-frequency wave propagation

Current Ph.D students

  • Enzo Isnard a Ph.D CIFRE with THALES TRT: Modeling and optimization of freeform optical metasurfaces integrated into an imaging system (2022-present).
  • Arthur Clini de souza a Ph.D CIFRE with SOLNIL: Machine Learning using neural networks for the design of photonic devices (2023-present).

Current Post-doctoral fellows

  • Ayoub Bellouch "Advanced computational design of cascaded metadeflectors" funded by a collaborative research project between ATLANTIS project-team and THALES TRT (2023 - present) .

Funding & Ongoing projects

  • Advanced computational design of cascaded metadeflectors (2-years): collaborative research project between (1) ATLANTIS project-team, (2) THALES TRT, (3) and NANOE.
  • MAXINET: Physically Informed Neural Network for radio-frequency wave propagation in the frequency regime (2-years): a national ASTRID AAP 2024 project between (1) ATLANTIS project-team and (2) THALES TRT

Past collaborative research projects

  • SEASIDE numerical Study of mEtasurfAceS by Inverse DEsign (3-years): collaborative research project between (1) ATLANTIS and (2) SOLNIL for designing various photonic components based on Nanoimprint technology.


Selected conference papers