Higher-order active contours for gap closure

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Authors: Marie Rochery, Ian Jermyn and Josiane Zerubia


  • Using higher-order active contour energies for gap closure. M. Rochery, I. Jermyn et Josiane Zerubia. INRIA research report, to appear.
  • New higher-order active contour energies for network extraction. M. Rochery, I. Jermyn et Josiane Zerubia. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Genoa, Italy, September 2005.
  • Gap closure in (road) networks using higher-order active contours. M. Rochery, I. Jermyn et Josiane Zerubia. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Singapore, October 2004.

The authors would like to thank CNES and IGN for the use of images. This work has been partially supported by NATO/Russia CLG 980107, by EU project MUSCLE (FP6-507752), and by GdR ISIS.