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Comparison with a stochastic model


We have compared the results we obtain from the proposed variational model with the ones obtained using a stochastic based on Markov Random Fields theory (cf. [2] for instance).

Let   be the solution of classification, i.e. an image of labels, and let    represent the observed data. We are looking for the estimation   of by maximizing (Maximum A Posteriori) the probability P(/). Using Bayes rule, and according to the properties of Markov Random Fields, the solution is found thanks to :

The Energy E contains a Gaussian data term, and a regularizing term (A Priori) known as a Potts regularization term. N is the number of pixels,  and  are respectively the label assigned to the site s and the observation at site s. As for the proposed variational model, the label value assigned to the site s is one of the values , i=1..M. The set C is the one of considered cliques. Parameter represents the weight of the regularization term and the operator is the Dirac distribution defined as

stands for the temperature parameter.

The minimization of E is operated through a simulated annealing (with a Metropolis dynamic).

previousback to the demosnext
- Introduction
- Proposed model
- Algorithm
- Results : synthetic image
- Results : first satellite image
- Results : second satellite image
- Conclusion

- Bibliography