User interface

Interacting with views (controls):

On all views:

left mouse button: 3D rotation
ctrl+left mouse button: rotation in current plane
shift + left mouse button: translation in current plane
mouse wheel: zoom in/out
key R : reset view
mouse sets on buttons (views and user input panel): information (get more with Help button on top bar then What's this + left mouse button)

On result sphere views (view 0):

key F12 : full screen mode
T : toggle head display
push-up buttons: display or not sources (known, estimated, final), selected scan points, geometric details, synchronize orientation

On cortical mapping spheres views (views 1, 2, 3, 4):

push-up buttons: + display this view only, - undo, synchronize orientation

On scans views (views 5):

left mouse button: select scan
right mouse button: zoom on scan in a new window (radius, center, selection)