The Workshop will be held at La Maison du Séminaire in Nice, September 25-28, 2011.
- "Registration is now closed, except only for those who pre-registered by email. Please Contact Agnes Cortell. "
In a wonderful place, in front of the sea, with a magnificent view of the "Baie des Anges", near the famous "Promenade des Anglais". It is located in a residential area, just minutes away from the city centre, it can be reached with the city buses.
The origin of seminars in Nice (http://seminairedelaghet.free.fr/historic.htm)
The seminars provided by the Council of Trent in the XVI th.Century were founded in France in the XVII th.Century : This was the work of great men of the Church as Berulle with the Oratory, St Vincent de Paul with the Vincentians, St. John Eudes and priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Jean-Jacques Olier and priests of St. Sulpice .
The 1945-1966 seminar in Nice: After the 2nd World War, the Diocese of Manchester had a minor seminary, (installed by Bishop Remond, the building of former Metropole Hotel in the eastern exit of Cannes, it functioned as such until 1962) and a major seminary in Nice (Diocesan House today called "House of the Seminar" and known under the trade name of "29"), entrusted with the Vincentians until 1960, he was led by a team of priests in the diocese led by Bishop Belckx until 1966.
1966-2002 Closing the seminar
In the aftermath of the council which came to highlight the shared responsibility of bishops ("collegiality") and the face of falling digital seminarians, as in many other places in France, the bishops of the region have decided to pool the formation of future priests. Thus, the Nice seminarians had to gather in regional seminars in Aix, Montpellier and Avignon for the 1st cycle (first 2 years of training) and in Marseille for the 2nd cycle (3 years, for several years, There was a third round (2 years + 2 years 2nd cycle 3rd cycle).
ERNSI Research team members:
Acronym |
Team leader |
Anders Lindquist |
Laurent Baratchart |
György Michaletzky |
Paul Van den Hof |
Wolfgang Scherrer |
Jan Maciejowski |
Michel Gevers |
Lennart Ljung |
Giorgio Picci |
ERNSI 2011 organization board
The chairmen are Laurent Baratchart (INRIA APICS scientific team leader) and Martine Olivi (organiser).
For more information, please contact Stéphanie Sorres, +33 4 97 15 53 35. |