HealthGrid 2004 contributions

Open call, deadline 31.10.2003



The contributions will be peer reviewed and published as conference proceedings in Methods of Information in Medicine.


The call is open for four different sessions, as described below. All submitted papers to all sessions should be related to the use of Grid technology in either one or more of the following areas:



              medical imaging

              biomedical simulations

              biomedical knowledge Grid

              social healthcare, computerised epidemiology

              health data storage and processing networks

              security of medical data in a grid environment

              humanitarian applications


The four sessions to which papers can be submitted are:


1. The HealthGrid Vision & Approaches to its Design


This session is open for research papers on results in using grid technology in biomedical-informatics and health, description of architectures and design issues, testing applications and practical outcome.


2. End-User Needs


This session is open for research papers on user requirements : what’s needed, elicit approaches, requirements analyses in administration, biomedical research, drug design, clinical applications, security & privacy issues from users view, to last the afternoon.


3. Infrastructures & Testbeds


This session is open for research papers on middleware for biomedical-informatics/health, testbeds allowing to test health/biomedical applications, enabling technologies.


4. Implementations & Alternative Technologies


The call is open for research papers on actual project implementations, problems faced & ongoing unresolved research issues, technology alternatives, interoperability, security and privacy from technological view.


Address for submission


All contributions should be send electronically to:

Sofie Nørager, DG INFSO, European Commission,


Guidelines for authors


The guidelines for authors are those of the Methods of Information in Medicine and can be found on the following web site


All submission should clearly indicate the preferred type of presentation during the conference: poster, demonstration or oral presentation and the authors should clearly indicate which session the paper is submitted to.


Once published, all articles also appear online at