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When the query contains grouping instructions (e.g. select group ?x where), each RDF/XML result starts with the target resource(s) that match the group(s).

If such a resource is a literal, it cannot be printed directly because in RDF a literal is always a value of a property. We thus print a special markup that encapsulates the dangling literal :

<rdfs:Literal rdf:about='SOME UNIQUE GENERATED ID'>
    <rdf:value>The literal itself</rdf:value>

In the case of a query with two groups, it is possible to pretty print a table with the target resources that match the group as entries using the following statement : display table.

In this case an HTML table is pretty printed with the target grouped resources in table header (<th> </th>) and the corresponding result at the intersection of the column and row of the two target group resources.

Example :

<th></th>   <th>Jim</th>  <th>John</th>
<th>1999</th>   <td>Doc 1</td>  <td>Doc 2</td>
<th>2001</th>   <td>Doc 3</td>  <td>Doc 4</td>

Olivier Corby 2005-07-01