Properties | Classes | Undetermined
Properties (0)
Classes (236)
- inventory of the needs [#inventory_of_the_needs]
- required, upstream, making an inventory of the needs of this emerging profession.
- Defined by inventory of the needs []
- Interviews [#Interviews]
- Interviews were done;
- Defined by Interviews []
- resources [#resources]
- ADIRA has always been functioning on its own resources, without being subsidized.
- Defined by resources []
- network of people [#network_of_people]
- The work-groups lean upon people who are engaged and motivated. It is a inner network of people (core network) that does very well.
- Defined by network of people []
- language [#language]
- The language is changing, less jargon; the objective is that everybody is able to understand.
- Defined by language []
- jargon [#jargon]
- The language is changing, less jargon; the objective is that everybody is able to understand.
- Defined by jargon []
- agreements [#agreements]
- People pay respect to each other and are able to exchange even if they are competitors. At ADIRA they can meet and appreciate each other. It favours agreements, partnerships, even mergers
- Defined by agreements []
- partnerships [#partnerships]
- People pay respect to each other and are able to exchange even if they are competitors. At ADIRA they can meet and appreciate each other. It favours agreements, partnerships, even mergers
- Defined by partnerships []
- membership [#membership]
- Individuals are responsible for having their companies becoming a member. If they change company, membership follows.
- Defined by membership []
- charter [#charter]
- There is no written charter to rule the internal relationship or the members' behaviour
- Defined by charter []
- orientations [#orientations]
- There is an Administration Council (legal disposition for this kind of association). It mainly validates what the work groups are proposing, it does not give orientations.
- Defined by orientations []
- policies [#policies]
- The "Club Strategie" gathers about thirty CIOs. It nurtures the awareness about the main trends of the market. Sometimes it enables to define common policies among companies-members, people see each other outside the meetings. They may be considered as a community of practice, the ADIRA being only a facilitator.
- Defined by policies []
- documents [#documents]
- Some people pay their membership but participate very little. They only receive the documents that are produced and seem to be satisfied with that.
- Defined by documents []
- Defined by documents []
- Defined by documents []
- methodology [#methodology]
- The interviews are conducted in companies (2-3 hours per interview) by volunteers, but the methodology is rigorous
- Defined by methodology []
- interviews [#interviews]
- First kind of group: permanent groups. The two main are the "club stratégie" and the "jobs and payments" commission. The second one is the oldest one. They conduct surveys on how jobs and salaries evolve. These surveys are available on the web site for members only. The interviews are conducted in companies (2-3 hours per interview) by volunteers, but the methodology is rigorous
- Defined by interviews []
- goal [#goal]
- They are settled to answer a specific need or to reach a specific aim and stop when the goal is reached.
- Defined by goal []
- answer [#answer]
- They are settled to answer a specific need or to reach a specific aim and stop when the goal is reached.
- Defined by answer []
- production [#production]
- Once a work group has finished its work, its production is available via the web site and presented in a dedicated event.
- Defined by production []
- available [#available]
- Once a work group has finished its work, its production is available via the web site and presented in a dedicated event.
- Defined by available []
- pedagogical part [#pedagogical_part]
- Events: they are used to integrate members in the network. Members are often claiming for events. Each event comprises a pedagogical part (invited speakers about a subject of importance for companies) and a cultural and convivial part. There always is a place for dreams; people are looking for that, as well as for forging relationship.
- Defined by pedagogical part []
- DVD [#DVD]
- Events are now registered as DVD (for internal use)
- Defined by DVD []
- archiving documents [#archiving_documents]
- ADIRA does not look for archiving documents, which, strongly linked to a momentary trend, would not be pertinent latter on (a great part of documents are of this kind). The need is most often of managing transient documents. Only some "historical" conferences are archived on DVDs.
- Defined by archiving documents []
- studies [#studies]
- ADIRA produces studies,
- Defined by studies []
- reports [#reports]
- ADIRA produces studies, reports (on salaries, for examples),
- Defined by []
- annual guide book of regional providers [#annual_guide_book_of_regional_providers]
- ADIRA produces . . . annual guide book of regional providers
- Defined by []
- newsletter [#newsletter]
- ADIRA produces . . . a monthly newsletter. his letter is more and more often written collaboratively by several people. It includes advisements and briefs from the members.
- Defined by newsletter []
- extranet [#extranet]
- There is an extranet with a login (ID and password), with an objective to enlarge the filed of action, for example by doing on line surveys. But people have to get used to such practices, it is a transition time.
- Defined by []
- electronic newsletter [#electronic_newsletter]
- objective could be, for example, to have an electronic newsletter, more specific and in the same time regrouping several rubrics (to limit the number of mails sent). The problem is then to sort the information In order to better match what members are expecting.
- Defined by electronic newsletter []
- Tools for deliberating at distance [#Tools_for_deliberating_at_distance]
- ADIRA does not dismiss the possibility of opening internal debates, which was not the case up to now. Some important but not so attractive topics, like the statutes of the association, do not motivate enough people to have them present at the assembly. Tools for deliberating at distance could be interesting.
- Defined by Tools for deliberating at distance []
- Tools [#Tools]
- Tools proposals, but linked to the task execution and not to the CoP working (P)
- Defined by Tools []
- task [#task]
- Description of problems linked to the task
- Defined by task []
- ressource person [#ressource_person]
- Problems linked to the acknowledgment of the ressource person (RP) role (P)
- Defined by ressource person []
- Defined by ressource person []
- documents [#documents]
- About documents used by CoP's members
- Defined by documents []
- solutions [#solutions]
- Description of a sharing process, search for solutions (Y)
- Defined by solutions []
- KM [#KM]
- Question about KM (E)
- Defined by KM []
- Defined by KM []
- Defined by KM []
- documents management [#documents_management]
- Synthesis and question about documents management and collaboration (E)
- Defined by documents management []
- common document [#common_document]
- Problems linked to the writing of a common document (Y)
- Defined by common document []
- Reformulation [#Reformulation]
- 1.11.30 Reformulation (E)
- Defined by Reformulation []
- documents pillaging [#documents_pillaging]
- 1.12.00 Pessimistic considerations about documents pillaging (P)
- Defined by documents pillaging []
- tools developed by PALETTE partners [#tools_developed_by_PALETTE_partners]
- Defined by tools developed by PALETTE partners []
- tools the CoP uses [#tools_the_CoP_uses]
- Question about tools the CoP uses (E)
- Defined by tools the CoP uses []
- Proposed tools [#Proposed_tools]
- Proposed tools are not very original :-(.
- Defined by Proposed tools []
- open source issue [#open_source_issue]
- Sliding toward the open source issue (advantages, problems...)
- Defined by open source issue []
- sharing resources [#sharing_resources]
- 1.54.30 The real problem of sharing resources
- Defined by [ resources]
- problems linked to a tool use [#problems_linked_to_a_tool_use]
- 1.59.00 Evocation of problems linked to a tool use
- Defined by problems linked to a tool use []
- tool use [#tool_use]
- 1.59.00 Evocation of problems linked to a tool use
- Defined by tool use []
- eLearning platform [#eLearning_platform]
- : CoP's eLearning platform
- Defined by eLearning platform []
- website [#website]
- : CoP's website
- Defined by website []
- Defined by website []
- presentation [#presentation]
- printed presentation booklet of the post-diploma
- Defined by presentation []
- Database [#Database]
- online Database to manage the learning paths of the post-diploma participants
- Defined by Database []
- library of the participants’ final works [#library_of_the_participants’_final_works]
- library of the participants’ final works
- Defined by []
- mailing lists [#mailing_lists]
- mailing lists (for each module, for all participants of the post-diploma, for the research team, etc.)
- Defined by mailing lists []
- services [#services]
- and of the services, mainly teaching support and accompaniment, and the other axis, information, to make useful resources available to the teachers for their practise
- Defined by services []
- teaching support [#teaching_support]
- Defined by teaching support []
- useful resources [#useful_resources]
- to make useful resources available to the teachers for their practise
- Defined by useful resources []
- available [#available]
- make useful resources available to the teachers for their practise
- Defined by available []
- the Centre [#the_Centre]
- it was the creation of the University Didactic Centre. then, after the starting of the Centre, the training began in September 2003.
- Defined by the Centre []
- Training [#Training]
- and the starting of the training, in September 2003, allowed us to establish links and to know the teachers of the University
- Defined by [ ]
- Defined by [ ]
- needs [#needs]
- There was an analysis of needs which touched about 20% of the teachers, that is about 200 people.
- Defined by needs []
- information [#information]
- For the phase of reflexion, conception, gathering of info, there was only a very few people.
- Defined by information []
- logbook [#logbook]
- # The first year, even if one can represent what is meant with the logbook, it is not obvious because if you show examples, they are not those of CoPs (learners’ groups) but of other contexts. # The second year, and even more the third one, we can show to the participants’ logbooks containing real experiences that they will live. There are for sure individual differences with their future own experience but this becomes more concrete, helps them, and reassures them.
- Defined by logbook []
- Sounding board [#Sounding_board]
- the space offered to them: Sounding board
- Defined by Sounding board []
- safe space [#safe_space]
- the space offered to them: safe space
- Defined by safe space []
- reflection space [#reflection_space]
- the space offered to them: reflection space
- Defined by reflection space []
- resources [#resources]
- We have more and more resources that are created through the training sessions, colloquiums, partners, etc. But we have the difficulty to make them available, accessible in a utile way, organised, that can answer this regret.
- Defined by resources []
- send [#send]
- This is not only sending the resource by mail or downloading it on the platform
- Defined by send []
- compétences techniques [#compétences_techniques]
- compétences très variées : * des gens tout à fait novices en matière d’informatique, qui savent à peine envoyer un mail avec un attaché, mais qui sont rares quand même * des gens déjà avec un niveau d’expertise poussé, comme des gens qui sont chefs de projet eLearning * il y a un niveau moyen, par exemple pour l’usage la plateforme – Claroline – qu’on utilise comme espace de dépôt de documents, de suivi de projets à distance, de forum * par exemple pour la prise en main de la plateforme, c’est rare qu’il y ait des problèmes non résolus en tous cas ; au début il peut y avoir un certain appréhension car pour les gens novices… mais c’est vite dépassé au bout d’1 mois, il n’y a plus de problèmes
- Defined by []
- jargon [#jargon]
- surtout qui ressentent plus de difficulté au départ lorsqu’ils sont confrontés au jargon de la pédagogie
- Defined by jargon []
- Defined by jargon []
- enseignement [#enseignement]
- même s’ils recherchent à améliorer leur enseignement, c’est un obstacle de départ à dépasser.
- Defined by enseignement []
- vocabulaire [#vocabulaire]
- Problème de vocabulaire ou de différence de raisonnement + problème à distinguer des termes, synonymes ou pas, etc.
- Defined by vocabulaire []
- carnet de bord [#carnet_de_bord]
- relaté dans son carnet de bord
- Defined by carnet de bord []
- temps [#temps]
- Quantité de temps passée dans, pour la CoP, Très variable
- Defined by temps []
- lieu virtuel [#lieu_virtuel]
- avoir un lieu virtuel où donner accès à cela : une question, un problème, une pratique, des ressources ;
- Defined by lieu virtuel []
- support [#support]
- Attente = surtout, de rendre nos activités plus visibles, ce qui se construit, les ressources, etc. plus accessibles, car ce sont des personnes qui recherchent des accompagnements spécifiques, s’ils avaient une meilleure connaissance de ce que l’on fait, ils pourraient mieux orienter leur projet
- Defined by [ ]
- grilles d’évaluation [#grilles_d’évaluation]
- se sont donné un projet d’équipe = revoir les grilles d’évaluation de MA, et ont pu faire un travail très approfondi sur l’évaluation des apprentissages en essayant de revoir toute l’évaluation des travaux dans l’institut.À la fin de leur travail, ils ont pu mettre cela en place et changer les règlements d’évaluation pour les travaux de séminaire de MA. Les nouvelles grilles sont utilisées maintenant par les enseignants de pédagogie curative.
- Defined by grilles d’évaluation [’évaluation]
- espace [#espace]
- il y a un espace d’écoute, de confiance, un respect des personnes mais aussi de leur pratique de ce qu’elles font, toujours une volonté de valoriser ce qu’elles font, de donner une voix à chacun d’entre eux en tant qu’assistant
- Defined by espace []
- outils communs [#outils_communs]
- MAIS dans la CoP Did@cTIC qui implique tous les autres membres, c’est en émergence car on n’a pas d’outils communs
- Defined by outils communs []
- cahiers des charges [#cahiers_des_charges]
- elle a aussi permis les cahiers des charges de chacun
- Defined by cahiers des charges []
- feedback [#feedback]
- ont permis cela également : toutes les discussions et séances de régulation, la proximité qu’on a avec les participants et tous les échos, feedback de ces 3 années antérieures qu’on a pu avoir
- Defined by feedback []
- connaissance [#connaissance]
- il y a les objets et aussi la connaissance et la compréhension qu’on se forge sur les pratiques des enseignants avec les années, de ce qu’ils font et de ce dont ils ont réellement besoin
- Defined by connaissance []
- compréhension [#compréhension]
- il y a les objets et aussi la connaissance et la compréhension qu’on se forge sur les pratiques des enseignants avec les années, de ce qu’ils font et de ce dont ils ont réellement besoin
- Defined by []
- volonté d’investissement [#volonté_d’investissement]
- C’est surtout dépendant de la volonté d’investissement de chacun, plus que de l’incitation de l’institution ou d’un soutien clairement explicite au niveau hiérarchique
- Defined by []
- colloque [#colloque]
- la participation au colloque, on a des membres de la CoP Did@cTIC qui ont souhaité présenté des contributions à l’AIPU2006.
- Defined by colloque []
- marché du travail [#marché_du_travail]
- pour certains membres, la CoP Did@cTIC peut réaliser un certain lien avec le marché du travail, d’élargissement de leur domaine de recherche professionnel
- Defined by []
- plateforme d’info [#plateforme_d’info]
- On a adhéré à une plateforme d’info. Webpalette elle informe sur les formations d’enseignants pour toute la Suisse du primaire au tertiaire. Adhésion pour se faire connaître et pour rendre accessible le fait qu’on a ici un centre à leur disposition
- Defined by []
- ressources [#ressources]
- beaucoup de ressources, construites dans la CoP Did@cTIC et répertoriées par elle
- Defined by ressources []
- projet perso [#projet_perso]
- dans la formation, comme chaque participant présente un projet perso, il va s’instaurer une collaboration très étroite entre lui et l’équipe de formateurs, un accompagnement individuel du projet qui va aboutir dans une production finale
- Defined by projet perso []
- travaux de groupe [#travaux_de_groupe]
- il y a aussi une collaboration entre les participants : travaux de groupe. Cela développe une collaboration à laquelle ils ne sont pas habitués pour planifier et construire leur séminaire.
- Defined by travaux de groupe []
- production [#production]
- Projet perso + production « en groupe je planifie mon séminaire » + découverte d’une autre façon de travailler
- Defined by production []
- Defined by production []
- All CoPs - Resources and Tools, by Adil [#]
- Defined by []
- archives [#archives]
- (Archives dependent des) activités pour des modules => sur la plateforme Claroline. ensuite, il y a une sélection des « meilleurs » travaux, ceux qui ont un intérêt en terme de transfert => sur notre site web, car plateforme a un usage restreint aux membres. tous les travaux de fin d’étude sont sur le site web. autre trace = CD de la plateforme en l’état donné chaque année aux participants, avec tout : les documents, les forums, etc. = l’archive de leur année de formation
- Defined by archives []
- CD de la plateforme [#CD_de_la_plateforme]
- autre trace = CD de la plateforme en l’état donné chaque année aux participants, avec tout : les documents, les forums, etc. = l’archive de leur année de formation
- Defined by CD de la plateforme []
- plateforme [#plateforme]
- Donc, dès maintenant, la réflexion se porte sur l’usage de la plateforme et la distribution des ressources entre la plateforme et le site. Dans le nouveau portail, accessible à partir de l’été, on veut mettre tous les documents créés par les participants, sauf ceux touchant leur intimité, et plus sur la plateforme. Sur celle-ci, on ne mettrait plus que l’espace travaux non publiables : carnet de bord, etc.
- Defined by plateforme []
- résultat [#résultat]
- résultat actuel : il y a bcp de projets qui ont abouti et il y a un ensemble de ressources, il y a un stock énorme de ressources
- Defined by []
- résultat anticipé [#résultat_anticipé]
- un résultat anticipé = l’exploitation de tout cela (ressources)
- Defined by []
- knowledge re-use [#knowledge_re-use]
- the created knowledge is re-used.there is a transfer (cf. presentation of Marianne Freinay at AIPU2006) of 2 types: (1) very near and direct: a tool or method to be applied (2) what touches more the private life of the participants, what make them active in a project, what touches their identity. When they tell you: “I was thinking to the module “conflict management” during an argument in my family this week end…”, It is far from teaching but it is also amazing. This is also this kind of “far transfer” that make them participating and coming back
- Defined by knowledge re-use []
- motivation [#motivation]
- la motivation de départ c’est ce qui est le plus partagé au départ même si plein de différences (liste). Expliciter cette motivation, la mettre en mot, l’expliciter, la partager avec d’autres, de partager leur projet et se rendre compte alors de la diversité des projets, de se rendre compte de l’intérêt que par cette diversité il y a une complémentarité, tout intérêt à collaborer et qu’on a beaucoup à apprendre de l’autre, alors je pense que c’est ce qui crée un premier niveau, moteur, indispensable lorsque les gens arrivent pour développer ce climat de confiance.
- Defined by motivation []
- motivation commune [#motivation_commune]
- Mélanger une motivation commune à haut niveau et une grande diversité de projets, etc. (liste) est moteur dans la création de cette compréhension commune
- Defined by motivation commune []
- animation [#animation]
- le type d’animation qui se fait est mis en œuvre dans la CoP Did@cTIC, une animation qui n’est pas imposée, pas ressentie non plus comme telle.
- Defined by animation []
- plateforme Claroline [#plateforme_Claroline]
- plateforme Claroline pour la formation : les étudiants s’inscrivent à la plateforme, aux différents modules choisis,
- Defined by plateforme Claroline []
- description du cours [#description_du_cours]
- ils ont accès : description du cours, doc proposés, 1 espace pour proposer leur travaux
- Defined by description du cours []
- chat [#chat]
- et, selon les cours, un forum, un chat, par exemple avec J. Bonamy de Lyon pour un chat de debriefing des travaux selon des questions et un ordre du jour (description plus complète),
- Defined by chat []
- annonces [#annonces]
- envoi d’annonces, savoir s’il y a eu des changements, des nouveautés,
- Defined by annonces []
- exercices [#exercices]
- trouver des exercices, par exemple dans module de JL Gilles qui organise des QCMs pour les exercices de son module consacré à l’évaluation des apprentissages.
- Defined by exercices []
- QCM [#QCM]
- trouver des exercices, par exemple dans module de JL Gilles qui organise des QCMs pour les exercices de son module consacré à l’évaluation des apprentissages.
- Defined by QCM []
- Calendrier [#Calendrier]
- le calendrier de Claroline est m… donc il est très peu utilisé. On a donc imaginé que nous pourrions utiliser le calendrier Google qui lui est très pratique et qui pourrait être partagé par les différents membres du Centre et de toute la formation didactique.
- Defined by Calendrier []
- base de données compétences-activités-ressources [#base_de_données_compétences-activités-ressources]
- Defined by []
- média utilisés [#média_utilisés]
- média utilisés : on a un peu de vidéo. Du son, je ne crois pas ; pas de fichier audio, des textes en pdf, excel, c’est la majorité, des liens, donc de l’hypertexte,
- Defined by []
- repository [#repository]
- Logiciel de management de connaissance tournée vers l’extérieur et servant aussi de repository
- Defined by repository []
- Logiciel de Knowledge management [#Logiciel_de_Knowledge_management]
- Logiciel de Knowledge management + partage des pratiques et des expériences => sous la forme d’un outil = 1 partie de la base de données commencée. C’est mettre à disposition des ressources mais aussi permettre de déposer, partager, de retrouver des pratiques. Donc outil = situations d’enseignement vécues, des descriptions de moments, ce qui va avec = les questions, attentes, questionnements suscités, etc => permettre ce partage de pratique : ça nous permettrait de mémoriser ces moments, de les mettre à disposition des prochains, et d’eux-mêmes, de pouvoir travailler dessus
- Defined by []
- website [#website]
- : project's website
- Defined by website []
- FAP [#FAP]
- tools for the CoP "FAP – Formation à Accès Permanent"
- Defined by FAP []
- Defined by FAP []
- Wiki [#Wiki]
- : Wiki used by the CoP
- Defined by Wiki []
- Defined by Wiki []
- personal projects [#personal_projects]
- The public of Form@HETICE is heterogeneous and there was a need to gather people together according their interests and personal projects.
- Defined by personal projects []
- face-to-face meetings [#face-to-face_meetings]
- Need for creating human and working relations within the group FAP. Characteristics: a lot of participants and exchange between the face-to-face monthly meetings.
- Defined by face-to-face meetings []
- Defined by face-to-face meetings []
- ICT [#ICT]
- Members share their own experiences in introducing ICT in their school (projects, trainings…).
- Defined by ICT []
- personal place [#personal_place]
- Importance of the enrolment of members so that they could find a personal place into the group and get involved.
- Defined by personal place []
- action-research [#action-research]
- One of a new objective of the group FAP is to lead an action-research.
- Defined by action-research []
- results [#results]
- Satisfaction of the members regarding the results and products.
- Defined by results []
- products [#products]
- Satisfaction of the members regarding the results and products.
- Defined by products []
- institution [#institution]
- Relational aspect is very important. The group is important for the members regarding their respective institution.
- Defined by institution []
- Time [#Time]
- Time invested by the members.
- Defined by Time []
- topics [#topics]
- involvement of the members in different topics and discussions.
- Defined by topics []
- discussions [#discussions]
- involvement of the members in different topics and discussions.
- Defined by discussions []
- Defined by discussions []
- expertise [#expertise]
- The involvement of the members is different. Some of them contribute to the group essentially with questions while others with their expertise.
- Defined by expertise []
- personal projects [#personal_projects]
- The members are focused on their personal projects. Each one is equal in the group.
- Defined by personal projects []
- meeting reports [#meeting_reports]
- Concrete productions of the group: - presentations, articles; - achieving the project; - meeting reports, individual action planning; - individual competences.
- Defined by meeting reports []
- Concrete production [#Concrete_production]
- Concrete productions of the group: - presentations, articles; - achieving the project; - meeting reports, individual action planning; - individual competences.
- Defined by Concrete production []
- individual action planning [#individual_action_planning]
- Concrete productions of the group: - presentations, articles; - achieving the project; - meeting reports, individual action planning; - individual competences.
- Defined by individual action planning []
- individual competences [#individual_competences]
- Concrete productions of the group: - presentations, articles; - achieving the project; - meeting reports, individual action planning; - individual competences.
- Defined by individual competences []
- documents [#documents]
- Production of documents. Emergence of the idea to install a Wiki system.
- Defined by documents []
- Defined by documents []
- Knowledge [#Knowledge]
- Knowledge produced and learning of members. Members mastery of their personal project.
- Defined by Knowledge []
- Defined by Knowledge []
- Formalization of knowledge [#Formalization_of_knowledge]
- Formalization of knowledge within the group. It seems to be difficult to find a good form.
- Defined by Formalization of knowledge []
- information [#information]
- About information research and archiving for the group.
- Defined by information []
- Contributions of external people [#Contributions_of_external_people]
- Contributions of external people to the group.
- Defined by Contributions of external people []
- external resources [#external_resources]
- Documents of the group: external resources
- Defined by external resources []
- Bookmarks [#Bookmarks]
- Bookmarks of the group.
- Defined by Bookmarks []
- Technical difficulties [#Technical_difficulties]
- Technical difficulties for using the tools. Some of the members don’t use them. There is a real ‘passion’ for the wiki.
- Defined by Technical difficulties []
- use of the tools [#use_of_the_tools]
- Organization of the use of the tools: why and when.
- Defined by use of the tools []
- Appropriation of the tools. [#Appropriation_of_the_tools.]
- Appropriation of the tools.
- Defined by Appropriation of the tools. []
- Tools [#Tools]
- Tools for organization: brainstorming, animation…
- Defined by Tools []
- Unix module [#Unix_module]
- In this Cop, called « Unix module » or UX11, the engineer-students learn how to practice the GNU/Linux system through the innovative IniTuX tool (documentation available on demand).
- Defined by Unix module []
- IniTuX tool [#IniTuX_tool]
- learn how to practice the GNU/Linux system through the innovative IniTuX tool
- Defined by IniTuX tool []
- on-line support [#on-line_support]
- practice and simulations with full on-line support,
- Defined by on-line support []
- content of the exchanges [#content_of_the_exchanges]
- a typical example illustrating the content of the exchanges: In a mix of self-learning and collaborative work (practical training), progress with self-evaluation, distant but listening teachers, lessons, practice and simulations with full on-line support, there are several types of exchanges : * Face to Face practical training. * Files posted for student information or for the work to be done by the teachers, for instance for practical training. * Files posted on the Forum, for discussions initiated by teachers or students, with a free choice of the subject, in the respect of the rules for using communication tools inside the INT. * Forums discussion. * Emailing from 1 to n. * Emailing from 1 to 1. * Telephone between student. * Chat (MSN).
- Defined by []
- Forums discussion [#Forums_discussion]
- Defined by Forums discussion []
- Files posted [#Files_posted]
- # Files posted for student information or for the work to be done by the teachers, for instance for practical training. # Files posted on the Forum, for discussions initiated by teachers or students, with a free choice of the subject, in the respect of the rules for using communication tools inside the INT.
- Defined by Files posted []
- Ganesha (Anema) platform [#Ganesha_(Anema)_platform]
- The CoP uses the Ganesha (Anema) platform - completed by typical INT developments.
- Defined by [ ]
- Defined by [ ]
- Knowledge [#Knowledge]
- Knowledge developed during each module ( forum discussion, f2f experiences, evaluation via smiley) is exploited, on the occasion of a yearly assessment, to further improve the coming modules through a variety of means. For instance, the FAQ (Frequently asked questions) section is enhanced with the exchanges on the forum during the past year.
- Defined by Knowledge []
- Course Management System [#Course_Management_System]
- Course Management System which include the following three : * Information sharing (Repositories (posting documents for practical training), Online course, etc.) * Knowledge Management (Chat, Forum) * Mediation/Collaboration (Chat, Forum)
- Defined by Course Management System []
- Chat [#Chat]
- # Knowledge Management (Chat, Forum) # Mediation/Collaboration (Chat, Forum)
- Defined by Chat []
- Forum [#Forum]
- # Knowledge Management (Chat, Forum) # Mediation/Collaboration (Chat, Forum)
- Defined by Forum []
- Repositories [#Repositories]
- Repositories for (posting documents for practical training), Online course, etc.
- Defined by Repositories []
- information [#information]
- the teacher transmit information to the student,
- Defined by information []
- All CoPs - Resources and Tools, by Adil [#]
- Defined by []
- bookmarks tool [#bookmarks_tool]
- some of students use the system of evaluation as "bookmark" to know which page they need to revise. So they need a tool that could provide them something annotation on the online course - which include something like a bookmarks tool (which would re-oriented the evaluation tool) and an annotation too
- Defined by bookmarks tool []
- tracing tools [#tracing_tools]
- That the tracing tools would be use for tracing the teacher too (there is a technical solution (for example tools provided by MediaWiki)).
- Defined by tracing tools []
- temporary autonomous zone [#temporary_autonomous_zone]
- A radical alternative solution could be like this. The activities of the collaboration between students develop themself in an "temporary autonomous zone" which would be unreachable by teachers. This is what actually happens with the use of their own tools (Phone, and MSN).
- Defined by temporary autonomous zone []
- procedure [#procedure]
- There is a predefined procedure (4 rules) that is encouraged by teachers, but it appears that it prevents the students from collaborating in constructive way on the forum because they feel they are permanently lurked and evaluated by teachers. Thus,they prefer to bypass this procedure
- Defined by procedure []
- evaluation's criteria [#evaluation's_criteria]
- The clarification of the evaluation's criteria (for example : participation on the forum is not taking into account for the evaluation)
- Defined by []
- self-evaluation tool [#self-evaluation_tool]
- The self-evaluation tool provide an individualized evaluation of the understanding of students
- Defined by self-evaluation tool []
- classroom environment [#classroom_environment]
- The purpose of the chat and forum is to emulate a sort of classroom environment. Tools have been implemented to stimulate the participation through the virtualization of the classroom.
- Defined by []
- virtual practices lessons [#virtual_practices_lessons]
- The course became an online course with both presential and virtual practices lessons
- Defined by virtual practices lessons []
- skills [#skills]
- Because of the heterogeneity of skills
- Defined by skills []
- feature [#feature]
- they decided to add feature on the online course
- Defined by feature []
- improve [#improve]
- New teachers improve the course
- Defined by improve []
- system of evaluation [#system_of_evaluation]
- There is no problem for online teaching except the fact that some of students use the system of evaluation as "bookmark"
- Defined by system of evaluation []
- bookmark [#bookmark]
- bookmark to know which page they need to revise.
- Defined by bookmark []
- annotation tool [#annotation_tool]
- So they need a tool that could provide them something annotation on the online course - which include something like a bookmarks tool (which would re-oriented the evaluation tool) and an annotation tool.
- Defined by annotation tool []
- emailing [#emailing]
- A third tool for this CoP : emailing
- Defined by emailing []
- journal [#journal]
- Means to strengthen a community : a journal for instance can be a good mean even if in these CES learners have busy personal and professional lives and may not find enough time to contribute to a journal
- Defined by journal []
- CES [#CES]
- Certificat d'enseignement spécialisé
- Defined by CES []
- online courses [#online_courses]
- Training schema for BADGE-CGE CES : face-to-face intensive courses (with multimedia CD-Roms and paper documents) for 3 days a month and online courses
- Defined by online courses []
- Defined by online courses []
- Defined by online courses []
- human links [#human_links]
- About human links created through the members of the CoP
- Defined by human links []
- exam [#exam]
- or others the exam is a test asked by their employer
- Defined by exam []
- adapted contents [#adapted_contents]
- to find adapted contents and to associate adapted teachers
- Defined by adapted contents []
- statistics [#statistics]
- About statistics given by Telje (the pedagogical manager has to know how much time each learner practices trough the platform - it should be 1h30 a day) and the exploitation of these statistics to compare the results and to the time spent for each learner
- Defined by statistics []
- Motivation [#Motivation]
- Motivation of the learners of the CoP
- Defined by Motivation []
- knowledge [#-knowledge]
- Sub class of [#activity]
- Defined by [ decision making review.html#knowledge]
- Defined by []
- connexion time [#connexion_time]
- About the results of the learners according to their involvement in the certificate : directly proportional to the connexion time
- Defined by connexion time []
- continuing education [#continuing_education]
- The pedagogical manager's role : to seek for the needs in continuing education
- Defined by continuing education []
- planning [#planning]
- responsible for access and planning
- Defined by planning []
- face-to-face intensive courses [#face-to-face_intensive_courses]
- Training schema for BADGE-CGE CES : face-to-face intensive courses
- Defined by face-to-face intensive courses []
- visio-conferences [#visio-conferences]
- A second tool for this CoP : visio-conferences with Marratech which offers the possibility to listen again the sessions after the meeting
- Defined by visio-conferences []
- debreifings [#debreifings]
- These debreifings have contributed, with other factors, to have an evoluation in the training programs introducing for instance sociology courses and 'human resource' courses (to supply the lack of human links in online courses)
- Defined by debreifings []
- paper documents [#paper_documents]
- Training schema for BADGE-CGE CES : face-to-face intensive courses (with multimedia CD-Roms and paper documents) for 3 days a month and online courses
- Defined by paper documents []
- Marratech [#Marratech]
- A second tool for this CoP : visio-conferences with Marratech which offers the possibility to listen again the sessions after the meeting
- Defined by Marratech []
- satisfaction [#satisfaction]
- About the satisfaction of the learners (regarding the previous Telecom Networks and Services CES) : it is pretty good (for the diploma and for the knowledge)
- Defined by satisfaction []
- projects [#projects]
- conducting projects
- Defined by projects []
- Defined by projects []
- Defined by projects []
- Telecom Companies [#Telecom_Companies]
- How the CoP communicates to have new enrolled learner members (through workshops, press, Telecom Companies)
- Defined by Telecom Companies []
- platform [#platform]
- Characteristics required for the platform, choice of Telje
- Defined by platform []
- Defined by platform []
- Defined by platform []
- Defined by platform []
- press [#press]
- How the CoP communicates to have new enrolled learner members (through workshops, press, Telecom Companies)
- Defined by press []
- Competencies [#Competencies]
- Competencies and age of the learners : a minimum level of competencies is wanted to enter the CES - the typical members age is 30 (=20 to obtain L2 + 10 years of experience) (from 27 to 50 years old)
- Defined by Competencies []
- interactive meetings [#interactive_meetings]
- Telje (history of Telje - for Maghreb countries ; specifications : 1-for online courses, 2-for tests in limited time and corrections, 3-for interactive meetings - audio-meetings)
- Defined by interactive meetings []
- continuous assessments [#continuous_assessments_]
- About the evaluation of the learners : an average mark (2/3) for the continuous assessments
- Defined by []
- workspace [#workspace]
- About the documents uploaded in the workspace : they are not so many, and the use is moderated by Bruno. In fact, some official texts are uploaded by Bruno and various documents related to the courses are uploaded by the learners (light documents are often sent by email)
- Defined by workspace []
- access [#access]
- responsible for access and planning
- Defined by access []
- multimedia CD-Roms [#multimedia_CD-Roms]
- Training schema for BADGE-CGE CES : face-to-face intensive courses (with multimedia CD-Roms and paper documents) for 3 days a month and online courses
- Defined by multimedia CD-Roms []
- workshops [#workshops]
- How the CoP communicates to have new enrolled learner members (through workshops, press, Telecom Companies)
- Defined by workshops []
- questionnaire [#questionnaire]
- The need of an interactive questionnaire : at the moment the time is not limited and Bruno cannot access the result, only learners can
- Defined by questionnaire []
- training [#training]
- of a training for the UniFR teachers
- Defined by training []
- Telje [#Telje]
- A first tool for this CoP : Telje (history of Telje - for Maghreb countries ; specifications : 1-for online courses, 2-for tests in limited time and corrections, 3-for interactive meetings - audio-meetings)
- Defined by Telje []
- Defined by Telje []
- practical training [#practical_training]
- the tutors of each group and the assistants for practical training.
- Defined by practical training []
- agendas [#agendas]
- About agendas Telje is offering a lot of possibilities but time consuming to exploit. Therefore, Bruno only uses a part of this possibilities and manages the agendas group by group (he gives an example online). An automatic synchronisation groups agendas to personal agendas is seen as a good perspective.
- Defined by agendas []
- tool [#tool]
- A tool to mark off the items on an online course
- Defined by tool []
- Defined by tool []
- eLearning module [#eLearning_module]
- A demonstration of an eLearning module through the INT platform, using the teacher's voice (the two platforms - Telje for the continuing education and the INT platform for engineer-students - are disconnected, there is no meeting between this CoP and the engineer-students, they meet only once at the end of the year to receive their diploma)
- Defined by eLearning module []
- homework [#homework]
- The KM and Mediation / Collaboration happened when they must exchange knowledge on the course given online for several reasons : they have homework to do, they need this knowledge for their profesional activities.The KM and Mediation / Collaboration happened when they must exchange knowledge on the course given online for several reasons : they have homework to do, they need this knowledge for their profesional activities.
- Defined by homework []
- Defined by []
- communication_software [#communication_software]
- Which virtual environment or communication software does the Cop use? For which purpose? * Telje platform : - EAD platform (A6 media Telje), * Emailing * Visio-conference * Phone Which virtual environment or communication software does the Cop use? For which purpose? * Telje platform : - EAD platform (A6 media Telje), * Emailing * Visio-conference * Phone
- Defined by communication_software []
- Defined by []
- content of discussion [#content_of_discussion]
- Each year, the content of discussion between teachers and students helps teacher to improve their course.
- Defined by content of discussion []
- Defined by []
- tools are not shared [#tools_are_not_shared_]
- Defined by []
- helps [#helps]
- Defined by helps []
- useful informations [#useful_informations]
- Defined by useful informations []
- valuable [#valuable]
- Defined by valuable []
- ICT in course [#ICT_in_course]
- Defined by ICT in course []
- external [#external]
- Defined by external []
- diffusion list [#diffusion_list]
- Defined by diffusion list []
- new knowledge [#new_knowledge]
- Defined by new knowledge []
- communicate [#communicate]
- Defined by communicate []
- retrieve informations [#retrieve_informations]
- Defined by retrieve informations []
- synthetized [#synthetized]
- Defined by synthetized []
- elaborated [#elaborated]
- Defined by elaborated []
- diffused [#diffused]
- Defined by diffused []
- the use of ICT [#the_use_of_ICT]
- Defined by the use of ICT []
- mailing-list [#mailing-list]
- Defined by mailing-list []
- learning experience [#learning_experience]
- Defined by learning experience []
- used [#used]
- Defined by used []
- web site [#web_site]
- Defined by web site []
- tool for managing discussion [#tool_for_managing_discussion]
- Defined by tool for managing discussion []
- course [#course]
- Defined by course []
- awareness functionalities [#awareness_functionalities]
- Defined by awareness functionalities []
- technical innovation [#technical_innovation]
- Defined by technical innovation []
- forum [#forum]
- Defined by forum []
- substantial [#substantial]
- Defined by substantial []
- edit [#edit]
- Defined by edit []
- internal [#internal]
- Defined by internal []
- external visibility [#external_visibility]
- Defined by external visibility []
Undetermined (1)
- All CoPs - Resources and Tools, by Adil [#]