
Properties | Classes | Undetermined

Properties (0)

Classes (101)

aim [#aim]
thematic groups are settled to reach a specific aim
Defined by [adira]
Defined by [learnett]
need [#need]
groups are settled to answer a specific need
Defined by [adira]
Defined by [badge]
Defined by [didactic]
Defined by [formahetice]
Defined by [odysseia]
goal [#goal]
stop when the goal is reached
Defined by [adira]
Defined by [formahetice]
Defined by [learnett]
Defined by [odysseia]
result [#result]
expected results
Defined by [badge]
solution [#solution]
to find solutions
Defined by [formahetice]
Defined by [odysseia]
wish [#wish]
their wishes were known
Defined by [badge]
expectation [#expectation]
what members are expecting
Defined by [adira]
Defined by [formahetice]
action research [#action_research]
the group has decided to lead a little common action-research
Defined by [formahetice]
project [#project]
help each other in the achievement of personal projects
Defined by [formahetice]
Defined by [didactic]
phd [#phd]
enabling the participants to complete their PhDs
Defined by [formahetice]
conference [#conference]
conferences are organized regurlarly
Defined by [adira]
Defined by [didactic]
Defined by [learnett]
survey [#survey]
they conduct surveys
Defined by [adira]
diffusion [#diffusion]
resources diffusion
Defined by [didactic]
vote [#vote]
very informal vote to take decision
Defined by [didactic]
Defined by [odysseia]
debate [#debate]
comments are then debated during the monthly face-to-face meetings
Defined by [formahetice]
colloquia [#colloquia]
participation to colloquia
Defined by [didactic]
teaching [#teaching]
the use of a web-based platform for teaching and learning
Defined by [formahetice]
learning [#learning]
the use of a web-based platform for teaching and learning
Defined by [formahetice]
Defined by [ux11]
interview [#interview]
interviews are conducted
Defined by [adira]
event [#event]
events are organized regurarly
Defined by [adira]
Defined by [badge]
discussion [#discussion]
discussion gives more freedom to express opinions
Defined by [adira]
Defined by [badge]
Defined by [formahetice]
accompaniment [#accompaniment]
the community accompanies
Defined by [adira]
Defined by [didactic]
meeting [#meeting]
meetings organised
Defined by [apretic]
Defined by [didactic]
Defined by [formahetice]
exchange [#exchange]
exchange about their teaching practice
Defined by [didactic]
Defined by [formahetice]
cohort [#cohort]
social cohesion within the cohorts
Defined by [lancaster]
seminar [#seminar]
they participate in seminars
Defined by [formahetice]
training [#training]
training of colleagues
Defined by [apretic]
Defined by [badge]
Defined by [didactic]
Defined by [formahetice]
Defined by [ux11]
research [#research]
research activity
Defined by [didactic]
Defined by [eprep]
Defined by [learnett]
support [#support]
more pedagogical advisers to accompany professors asking for project support
Defined by [didactic]
workshop [#workshop]
thematic workshops
Defined by [eprep]
study [#study]
studies and researches
Defined by [eprep]
animation [#animation]
community focuses on the animation of cybermedia centers
Defined by [apretic]
maintenance [#maintenance]
this mission includes maintenance
Defined by [apretic]
email [#email]
emailing is used for informal communication between learners
Defined by [badge]
Defined by [lancaster]
Defined by [learnett]
Defined by [ux11]
teacher [#teacher]
a community of teachers
Defined by [apretic]
Defined by [badge]
Defined by [didactic]
Defined by [eprep]
Defined by [learnett]
Defined by [odysseia]
Defined by [ux11]
learner [#learner]
the community is made up of 21 members : 15 teachers and 6 learners
Defined by [badge]
Defined by [didactic]
coordinator [#coordinator]
From the point of view of its coordinator
Defined by [adira]
Defined by [formahetice]
educator [#educator]
Educators from Greece as well from diaspora education network
Defined by [odysseia]
tutor [#tutor]
People playing particular roles: the education overall manager, the tutors of each group and the assistants for practical training
Defined by [ux11]
manager [#manager]
People playing particular roles: the education overall manager, the tutors of each group and the assistants for practical training
Defined by [ux11]
member [#member]
what members are expecting-there are more than 500 members-integrate members in the network
Defined by [adira]
Defined by [formahetice]
Defined by [learnett]
Defined by [odysseia]
expert [#expert]
a whole network of knowledge, experts, tools, experience
Defined by [didactic]
participant [#participant]
participants come mainly to find practices
Defined by [adira]
Defined by [didactic]
Defined by [formahetice]
researcher [#researcher]
cop's members are 1 scientific collaborator, 4 researchers and 1 secretary
Defined by [didactic]
Defined by [eprep]
Defined by [learnett]
partner [#partner]
mobilization of partners
Defined by [eprep]
Defined by [learnett]
collaborator [#collaborator]
cop's members are 1 scientific collaborator, 4 researchers and 1 secretary
Defined by [didactic]
assistant [#assistant]
a team of assistants of curative pedagogy
Defined by [didactic]
Defined by [ux11]
professor [#professor]
more pedagogical advisers to accompany professors asking for project support
Defined by [didactic]
Defined by [formahetice]
secretary [#secretary]
cop's members are 1 scientific collaborator, 4 researchers and 1 secretary
Defined by [didactic]
student [#student]
to help students in their pedagogical activities
Defined by [apretic]
Defined by [badge]
Defined by [didactic]
Defined by [lancaster]
Defined by [ux11]
adviser [#adviser]
more pedagogical advisers to accompany professors asking for project support
Defined by [didactic]
practitioner [#practitioner]
more pedagogical advisers to accompany professors asking for project support
Defined by [lancaster]
lecturer [#lecturer]
these practitioners are drawn from a variety of roles including lecturers, educational developers, e-learning professionals
Defined by [lancaster]
developer [#developer]
these practitioners are drawn from a variety of roles including lecturers, educational developers, e-learning professionals
Defined by [lancaster]
director [#director]
the programme director
Defined by [lancaster]
professional [#professional]
these practitioners are drawn from a variety of roles including lecturers, educational developers, e-learning professionals
Defined by [lancaster]
resource person [#resource_person]
such a person in each school has been called a resource person
Defined by [apretic]
Defined by [formahetice]
trainer [#trainer]
the objective of the program to become an ICT trainer
Defined by [apretic]
Defined by [didactic]
Defined by [formahetice]
advice [#advice]
to supply pieces of advice
Defined by [apretic]
Defined by [formahetice]
information [#information]
they exchange informations,
Defined by [apretic]
knowledge [#-knowledge]
Sub class of [#activity]
Defined by [ decision making review.html#knowledge]
Defined by [odysseia]
experience [#experience]
to transpose his learning experience
Defined by [apretic]
Defined by [badge]
Defined by [didactic]
Defined by [formahetice]
course [#course]
they must exchange knowledge on the course given online
Defined by [badge]
Defined by [lancaster]
tool [#tool]
a whole network of knowledge, experts, tools, experience
Defined by [didactic]
Defined by [formahetice]
example [#example]
more and more examples and tracks of exchanges exist and constitute more explicit information to be given
Defined by [didactic]
book [#book]
a new category of books in the shelves of the university library
Defined by [didactic]
methodology [#methodology]
the methodolgy for the surveys was rigorous
Defined by [adira]
rule [#rule]
ethical life rules that are often repeated in order to favour interactions between people
Defined by [didactic]
Defined by [learnett]
practice [#practice]
check their own practices against others-participants come mainly to find practices
Defined by [adira]
Defined by [apretic]
Defined by [didactic]
Defined by [formahetice]
Defined by [learnett]
archive [#archive]
"historical" conferences are archived on DVDs
Defined by [adira]
Defined by [apretic]
Defined by [learnett]
opinion [#opinion]
the discussion gives more freedom to express opinions
Defined by [adira]
Defined by [apretic]
concept [#concept]
We try to explicit the implicit rules, concepts and methods used in this learning activity.
Defined by [learnett]
method [#method]
We try to explicit the implicit rules, concepts and methods used in this learning activity.
Defined by [learnett]
study [#study]
the cop produces studies, reports, an annual guide book of regional providers, and a monthly newsletter
Defined by [adira]
report [#report]
the cop produces studies, reports, an annual guide book of regional providers, and a monthly newsletter
Defined by [adira]
Defined by [learnett]
guide [#guide]
the cop produces studies, reports, an annual guide book of regional providers, and a monthly newsletter
Defined by [adira]
Defined by [formahetice]
Defined by [learnett]
newsletter [#newsletter]
the cop produces studies, reports, an annual guide book of regional providers, and a monthly newsletter
Defined by [adira]
feedback [#feedback]
to have feedback after implementation
Defined by [didactic]
Defined by [formahetice]
service [#service]
services, mainly teaching support and accompaniment
Defined by [didactic]
innovation [#innovation]
innovation is central in what is produced
Defined by [didactic]
evaluation [#evaluation]
a new grid of learning evaluation has been developed
Defined by [didactic]
thesis [#thesis]
This involves two years of researching and writing a 40 - 50,000 word thesis
Defined by [lancaster]
article [#article]
publishable journal articles of 5-7000 words
Defined by [lancaster]
document [#document]
Students produce their group documents and also produce personal documents
Defined by [learnett]
material [#material]
to produce new materials collaboratively
Defined by [odysseia]
will [#will]
the will of developping more tools, the will to understand the others persons
Defined by [didactic]
waiting [#waiting]
waiting for pertinent resources
Defined by [didactic]
reason [#reason]
this community reasons of existence
Defined by [omogeneia]
sharing [#sharing]
share new educational tools and opinions
Defined by [apretic]
Defined by [eprep]
Defined by [adira]
Defined by [lancaster]
communication [#communication]
the communication across the platform or by emailing
Defined by [badge]
coordination [#coordination]
the mailing-list is used for internal coordination
Defined by [apretic]
confrontation [#confrontation]
the group of learners are focused on the confrontation
Defined by [didactic]
intervener [#intervener]
the interveners adapt and correct the answers
Defined by [apretic]
moderator [#moderator]
under the authority of the moderator/the roles of moderator
Defined by [badge]
beginner [#beginner]
big variety of technical competences of members : beginners until high level of expertise
Defined by [didactic]
position [#position]
linked to her professor position
Defined by [didactic]
facilitator [#facilitator]
I consider myself more as a facilitator than an animator
Defined by [formahetice]
problem [#problem]
what kind of problems had to be solved
Defined by [apretic]
question [#question]
a member put a question
Defined by [apretic]
answer [#answer]
the interveners adapt and correct the answers
Defined by [apretic]
planning [#planning]
the role of the pedagogical manager is to define the planning
Defined by [badge]

Undetermined (1)

All CoPs - Collaboration and Process, by Geraldine [#]


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