IJCAI-99 Workshop on

Knowledge Management and Organizational Memories

John Debenham, Stefan Decker
Rose Dieng, Ann Macintosh
Nada Matta, Ulrich Reimer (Eds)

Stockholm, Sweden, July, 31th, 1999

Session 1: Knowledge Sharing

  Simulation-Based management of Industrial Process Knowledge
                                Tariq M Khan, University of North London, UK
                                  Keith Brown, Roy Leitch, Heriot-Watt University, UK

  Knowledge Sharing in Distributed Organisations
                                Are Sorly, Gunnar John Coll, Einar Dehli, Kjell Tangen, Computas , Norway

  The Knowledge Factory - A generic Knowledge Management Architecture
                                H.Juergen Mueller, Deutch Telekom, Germany
                                   A. Schappert, Siemens, Germany

Session 2 : Ontologies for Knowledge Management

  A model for the Collaborative Design of Multi Point of View Terminological Knowledge Bases
                                Gilles Falquet,  Claire-Lise Mottaz, University of Geneva, Switzerland

Integrated Frameworks for KM (Invited Speaker)
                                    Mike Uschold, Rob Jasper and Ted Kitzmiller, Boeing USA

Session 3 : Document management for Organizational Memories

  Building a XML-based Corporate Memory
                            Auguste Rabarijaona, Rose Dieng, Olivier Corby, INRIA, France

  Knowledge and Business Processes: Approaching an Integration
                                Steffen Staab, Hans-Peter Schnurr, University of Karlsruhe, Germany

  Reuse of STEP product data for the generation of technical documentation
                            Bjorn Hoefling, University of Magdeburg, Germany

Session 4 : Case studies

  Evaluating the Efficacy of Knowledge Management and Organisational Memory, Towards Healthcare Enterprise Modelling
                            Cheah Yu-N, Syed Sibte Raza Abidi, University of Sains Malaysia , Malaysia

   Knowledge Management in Image Processing by Means of Case-Based reasoning
                            Valerie Ficet Cauchard, , M. Revenu, Ch. Porquet, GREYC-ISMRA, France