- 9h15 : Introduction (Rose Dieng Kuntz)
9h15 - 9h30 : ONTOLOGIES 9h15 - 9h30 : An Ontology Development Process for the Semantic
9h30 - 10h30 : INDEXING AND SEARCHING 9h30 - 10h : Indexing of resources in e-learning context 10h00 - 10h30 : Integrating Static and Dynamic Knowledge in an
Evolving Domain Model for Search Assistants 10h30 - 11h00 : Coffee break
11h - 11h30 : INFORMATION EXTRACTION 11h- 11h30: Adaptive Navigation for Information Extraction
11h30 - 12h15 : CONTEXT AND DISTRIBUTION 11h30 - 11h45 : Towards a context-sensitive distributed
knowledge management system for the knowledge organization (position
paper) 11h45 - 12h15 : A Semantic Web Approach to Experience
Management in Public Organisations
12h15 - 13h : FINAL DISCUSSION 13h : End of Wokshop. |